The Student Room Group

To anyone at LSE who knows about Economics B (and MA107/ST107)

After checking the LSE website, I noticed that I have to take courses in Economics B and MA107 & ST107. the website says that A level maths is a pre-requisite for MA107 and ST107, however, I've only done AS level maths (which is the formal requirement for my degree, BSc Management). I have some knowledge of calculus and other basic maths methods (from AS maths last year, which I will revise before going to uni) but I'm wondering if this is sufficient. I am really worried that I will struggle so I hope I get some positive replies :redface:

I was also wondering if there are some extra maths classes I could attend or if there is any additional help at the LSE for maths so that I can vaguely get up to speed (if I need it). If no other help is available, are there any books that provide an introduction to maths for economics/management that could help because there are so many books that are either rubbish/too basic/too advanced and i have no idea what's suitable!

Reply 1
econ b is nothing like you have ever seen.......its not really like a level econ....much harder.....but once you get the right approach and line of thought things start to fall in for ma107 and st107 i couldnt possibly comment seeing i did st102 and ma100 this yr......from what ive heard from friends its not too me if you have any questions....
Reply 2
just a question about econ 'a'.... does everyone do that or do you do it only if you havent done econs at school level before?
just a question about econ 'a'.... does everyone do that or do you do it only if you havent done econs at school level before?

I believe Economics A is a lower level course for those without AS/A level maths who do not wish to undertake further study in Economics i.e. in years 2 and 3.

Thanks for your reply, hmm. any other comments from anyone else?
Reply 4
i think econ a is the option you do if you arent thinking of doing too much economics in the remainder of your degree.....for econ related courses econ b is a must.....