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My mum is a GP; and it depends on how premature you were and how tall your parents well as other things, but those 2 are the main factors.
Reply 2
Either way, it's nothing to worry about. You're only 16 and so might well grow a bit more yet. Even if you don't, the only girls who would care about how tall you are (i.e. shallow) aren't worth seeing.
Reply 3
If you're in proportion, you won't grow anymore.
Reply 4
Poor fella, you won't grow to a great height anyway, so you're just gonna have to gear up for living life as a shorty and the consequences that brings!
Reply 5
Poor fella, you won't grow to a great height anyway, so you're just gonna have to gear up for living life as a shorty and the consequences that brings!

evil... :rolleyes:
Reply 6
If you're worried about getting a girlfriend, my boyfriend is 5'2" and he has one :biggrin:

Are you worried about being short? There's nothing wrong with it!
Reply 7
Poor fella, you won't grow to a great height anyway, so you're just gonna have to gear up for living life as a shorty and the consequences that brings!

Such as? :confused:

I'm not tall (around the same height as the OP is now), but as far as consequences go I can't think of any, bar that I may be a bit cheaper to send to space. :cool:
Reply 8
people dont stop growin till there about 20.. so u still hav time :ninja:
Hug tall girls - you'll realise that your height ain't to bad.

Reply 10
i was born in may and should have been born late august, i'm 6'2 and 17 so it doesn't affect you :tongue:
im pretty short for a guy, around 5 foot 2/3. and 16 yrs old.

basically i was born premature (born too early) and therefore i was a small baby.. just wondering if that affects my final height?


i was wondering the same thing. i was also born premature, and havnt grown since i was 13. i was taller then every 1 back then. im now 17, still same height as then, no signs of anything at the moment. i was 5'7" and still same. going to see the gp again. last time the idiot to said drink an extra glass of milk every day.
Reply 12
I'm pretty short as well, been 5'7'' for a few years, and im 18. Theres no shame in it :biggrin:
Reply 13
i was wondering the same thing. i was also born premature, and havnt grown since i was 13. i was taller then every 1 back then. im now 17, still same height as then, no signs of anything at the moment. i was 5'7" and still same. going to see the gp again. last time the idiot to said drink an extra glass of milk every day.

Yeah, damn those GPs and their sound medical advice. :dontknow:

(Although of course if you have a problem with growth etcetera, go see your GP, but people seem a bit obsessed with their height when it *really* doesn't matter. Anyway, at 5'7", with me having stopped growing, you'll not be the shortest in this thread! :p:)
being too tall can also be a problem
Reply 15
I'm pretty short as well, been 5'7'' for a few years, and im 18. Theres no shame in it :biggrin:

::slap:: How dare you call yourself short! You are pretty tall. 'Short', imho, for a guy, is under 5'4" (dwarf is under 4'10", in case anyone's interested, and you can claim disability allowance :biggrin:)
i dont think it has anything to do with premature birth. I am a premature baby...and i'n 6 feet really depends on every individual's genes!
I was 6 weeks premature and am 6'3'' (and neither of my parents are especially tall).
Reply 18
how i wish i was 6 foot tall
Reply 19
I'm about 6'1" and still think I'm short. Ouch.