The Student Room Group

Can't motivate myself to revise

I have always been the kind of person who can only work under pressure/fear. I have 2 exams next week (tues and friday) but the pressure hasn't kicked in yet :s-smilie: My geog exam on tues is worth 30% of overall grade but i just cant be bothered to revise. I know you are all goin to say "get off tsr and go and revise" but im too lazy :smile:
I was just wondering if anyone else is like this, and will just end up cramming like mad?
It would be nice to know i'm not the only 'blagger' out there :smile:

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i have 4 exams next week; just got 2 rejections cba to do any work any more.
Reply 2
Draw a massive U on the wall behind your desk, and underneath it: You're going to get this if you're looking at me.
Reply 3
Don't worry mate you're not alone! I'm in the same boat, geog on tuesday, then economics and psychology on friday! I've got time to revise but I just can't! like now for example, instead of revising I'm on here! Best advice I can give you is to try and get people to scare you into doing the revision!
Get off TSR and revise.....nothing else we can say, why are you even making this thread. GO REVISE!!
Reply 5
As long as you're not going to be one of those people who end up claiming how they 'could've gotten an A grade if I tried harder!', I don't mind. ):
Those people should learn to recognize the importance of self-motivation as a factor in determining what you 'could've gotten' (or otherwise put, 'can achieve').
Reply 6
I'm the same OP. No pressure no motivation NOTHING. :s-smilie: ??????
Reply 7
Draw a massive U on the wall behind your desk, and underneath it: You're going to get this if you're looking at me.

Probably the best piece of advise I have ever seen!
Reply 8
It will kick in, I woke up today and it finally sunk

I keep getting distracted though, so much to learn and exam is on mon and thursday.

3 down 2 to go.
Reply 9
We in the same boat.. We just dont have self discipline!! I got a geog paper tomorrow and i have not touched a single book to study!! I jusy cant get myself to do so!! Hope that helps..
Reply 10
Draw a massive U on the wall behind your desk, and underneath it: You're going to get this if you're looking at me.

Brilliant :biggrin:
Same, usually I'm fine with revision.
Have my French resit tomorrow and have forgotten so much that I think it's pointless even trying, thus have spent my evening sending obscene Facebook messages, eating Philadelphia and sniffing bubble bath.
Tomorrow should be hilarious.
I had no motivation to revise for mine either (all over now though, woo!). I tried imagining myself opening my results on that day in March when we get them and seeing 'UUUU'. Then I imagined seeing 'AAAA' and that seemed to spur me on for a while :smile:.

Good Luck!
Reply 13
As long as you're not going to be one of those people who end up claiming how they 'could've gotten an A grade if I tried harder!', I don't mind. ):
Those people should learn to recognize the importance of self-motivation as a factor in determining what you 'could've gotten' (or otherwise put, 'can achieve').

Nope i am the first to admit i don't deserve the grades i got last year :smile:
I have basically just blagged my whole academic life. I am thinking A-level year is the year where that ends :s-smilie:
I just can't get into exam mode in January, I am (slightly) more disciplined in summer.
i have 4 exams next week; just got 2 rejections cba to do any work any more.

Oh man I feel so bad for you, I give up completely if I got my rejections before my exams.
Reply 15
Don't worry mate you're not alone! I'm in the same boat, geog on tuesday, then economics and psychology on friday! I've got time to revise but I just can't! like now for example, instead of revising I'm on here! Best advice I can give you is to try and get people to scare you into doing the revision!

Are you doing WJEC Geog and Edexcel Psychology?
If so, what themes did you have to do for Geog?
No I'm doing aqa geog and ocr economics. Good luck all the same!
Reply 17
OMG I'm exactly the same. I have even less motivation than normal now because my highest uni offer's not that high. :/
I have a exam next thursday on Health & Social Care - Anatomy and Physiology and I haven't started revising yet, I just can't be bothered! I need to get at least a C or D in it, which is gonna require some revision! Bad times.
Reply 19
Draw a massive U on the wall behind your desk, and underneath it: You're going to get this if you're looking at me.

:rofl: That's brilliant.

OP, have you got any acceptance letters from unis yet? You could do the above AND put an acceptance letter up too - both the carrot and the stick.