The Student Room Group
Reply 1
If you find out let me know. :wink:
Reply 2
how can I can stop being so nervous? I get nervous over really stupid things that are not important. If something is new to me, I get really nervous. Any help is appreciated :cool: I know it doesn't seem like a big problem but I want it to stop.

Doing the things you're nervous of regularlly will help you to become less nervous of them as you know what to expect

Reply 4

There, should have scared it out of you.

EDIT: Damn you musicbloke, it was these pesky font controls. :p:
Reply 5
jus chil out man... be layed bak :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :ninja:
Reply 6
Whilst it's convenient, matrix99, what is the deal with the :ninja:? Sticking it at the end of every single post, what's that all about?
Reply 7
Serious help here:

Stop thinking negatively about what is new to you eg if I go there, everyone will be staring or no one will like me. I take it that's what you do, most people do. Change your thoughts to more positive ones like:

If I go here, I'll meet new people and have a great time...etc As simple as that, although it takes practice of course.
Reply 8
Whilst it's convenient, matrix99, what is the deal with the :ninja:? Sticking it at the end of every single post, what's that all about?

if i tell u i would have to kill u :ninja::ninja:
Reply 9
u mean u r shy?
Reply 10
nah Mushu means butterflies i bet... like really bad and you kinda cant tell whats going on around and then you get even more nervous etc... i used to be like that..
i just think things through more - like im going to do this and this exactly like this and i try to anticipate other people etc... so you can plan it all out and not be nervous ._. well worked for meee
Reply 11
yer sarforaz, i get butterflies. I'm not a shy person
Reply 12
Nerves can sometimes be a good thing you know. :wink: They can help you perform better; you need the right amount of arousal etc. Give an example of when you suffer from nerves, if you are not generally a shy person...