The Student Room Group
Reply 1
A veneer on that tooth would be your best bet, IMO.

Instead of resin fillings, affected teeth can be fitted with porcelain veneers. A veneer is only around half a millimetre thick, and is glued to the front of the tooth. To make sure the thickness of the tooth remains the same, the equivalent depth of enamel will need to be ground away first. Porcelain veneers last longer than resin fillings, but can be damaged or chipped by habits such as fingernail chewing."
source of info
A bit of enamal has come of my teeth and its looking a bit of a mess, is there anything the dentists can do? I am also scared of the dentist in fact petrified is a better word to describe it.

Probably. One of my adult teeth came through without a proper layer of enamal and so far my dentist has managed to put stuff on to it to make it look nicer and also to protect the tooth. But I do think that it shall be coming out of my mouth soon because the problem just keeps getting worse..there is no top layer of enamal at all on one tooth. Go see your dentist and ask about what they can do. Also I am quite scared of the dentist but you will be fine. Trust me on this...Just keep thinking whilst you are there that in a few minutes you won't be. Anyway when you go along they wont do anything there and then anyway!! (probably anyway-i know that I always have to make another appointment when they decide what to do)
Reply 3
I don't actually have a dentist either thats the other problem, I will have to wait till I am earning becuase I doubt any NHS dentist will touch me with a barge poll.
I don't actually have a dentist either thats the other problem, I will have to wait till I am earning becuase I doubt any NHS dentist will touch me with a barge poll.

NHS dentists are my problem too. My appointment for dental treatment to stop my enamal less tooth causing me pain has been cancelled three times. Been waiting for nearly 3 months.
Reply 5
AT you still have to pay even with an NHS dentist.

I've suddenly got amazingly sensitive teeth I have an appointment with a new dentist managed to get someone to take me. They don't look any different but something must be wrong.
Reply 6
AT you still have to pay even with an NHS dentist.

I've suddenly got amazingly sensitive teeth I have an appointment with a new dentist managed to get someone to take me. They don't look any different but something must be wrong.

My mum almost gets it free on the NHS, so I should be be able if I can't get a job, even if I do get a job and am earning less than about £12,000 I think I can get it a heavily discounted rate. I think she paid somthing like £120 for the entire treatment if she paid at all.

At the moment though I don't exist, as I am not on any benefits and I am not earning money I can't go to the dentist. I can't get it free becuase I am not technicaly unemployed but I can't pay because I am not employed.

There is no big rush but I need to get it sorted within the next year, for now I am very good at hiding it as my top lips cover it.
Reply 7
I had to pay the full wack even when i was at uni wasn't eligible on the hc1 thing unless it was a really expensive treatment I think I had to pay the first £80 or something. I need to send a new form off but i think i can get it this time for free.
I get my Dentist free on the NHS and i thought all students did, although they said last time they wont do a filling this time, cos they cant claim for it. Thankfully we have a govt who is committed to a public health service and recognises that more investments need to be made (and are) in NHS Dentists
Reply 9
I had to pay the full wack even when i was at uni wasn't eligible on the hc1 thing unless it was a really expensive treatment I think I had to pay the first £80 or something. I need to send a new form off but i think i can get it this time for free.

I think I could have done when was a student. I've had such bad experiences with NHS dentist though I am willing to spend a small fortune to avoid them but it might take me a while to save up.

The last time I saw one they damaged my teeth then refered me to a dental hospital as I was too scared, she was later sacked though for doing bad quality work on other people.

If I had the money I would pay a fortune to have it all done in one operation but thats never going to happen.

Edit: John I am no longer a student though nor am I employed/unemployed.
Edit: John I am no longer a student though nor am I employed/unemployed.

Well then for a short time you could register as unemployed and get benefits (presuming you'v finished uni) and get all treatments/prescriptions free.
Reply 11
john williams
Well then for a short time you could register as unemployed and get benefits (presuming you'v finished uni) and get all treatments/prescriptions free.

I might have to do that, I don't really want to though. I've always viewed the dole only for people who really need it, and I don't at the moment.