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Reply 1
I don't know anything about it at all! I phoned Glasgow the other week to ask when Freshers week actually is (because i have to fly to Glasgow, the sooner i book flights the cheaper they will be) and the woman didn't know exactly when it was. All she could tell me was lectures started on the 27th and that we will find more out mid July - August.
Reply 2
Has anyone heard anything/ got any info about it?-the glasgow site aint too good for anything other than course info.

btw is there a freshers ball or anything along such lines?

and what is the point in having a freshers week and an orientation week?

As far as a freshers ball goes, i don't think we have one. But then I was talking to a friend and she suggested if there was enough people we should just have a freshers ball of our own! Don't think it'd take too much organising but hmm...i don't see the point of having an orientation week too, but i heard it's kind of like a second freshers week as nothing much happens so that's fine by me but mmm my liver's not too happy. I've got no info about freshers either, i'm hoping they'll send me some after results day or something.
Reply 3
I don't know anything about it at all! I phoned Glasgow the other week to ask when Freshers week actually is (because i have to fly to Glasgow, the sooner i book flights the cheaper they will be) and the woman didn't know exactly when it was. All she could tell me was lectures started on the 27th and that we will find more out mid July - August.

One thing i do know about freshers though is that i think its 13th-19th according to a friend i just spoke if you're booking flights, i don't think it actually matters when freshers starts to you, because presumably you want to arrive in glasgow on moving in day (which is before freshers) and i think thats 11th sep but im not 100% on that.
well its from sat 10th september at 2pm-we'r apparently allowed into uni residences
Reply 5
well its from sat 10th september at 2pm-we'r apparently allowed into uni residences

Does everyone arrive then? I don't wanna be all on my lonesome! :frown:
iv been looking at the QMU website and its got folk-think its the freshers committee deciding what there should be-but i would'av though most of it would be sorted by now.

And the orientation weeks seems a bit daft-i mean other than find your way about all you have to do is matriculate and meet with your advisor of studies to sort out your courses-anyone know if its before or after freshers week, i pressume after?
Reply 7
iv been looking at the QMU website and its got folk-think its the freshers committee deciding what there should be-but i would'av though most of it would be sorted by now.

And the orientation weeks seems a bit daft-i mean other than find your way about all you have to do is matriculate and meet with your advisor of studies to sort out your courses-anyone know if its before or after freshers week, i pressume after?

Could you give a link to the QMU website?
Could you give a link to the QMU website?


The GU site is crap though but it is
Reply 9
They usually put something decent on, don't worry.

If all else fails and you're looking to meet people, as long as you've got your matric card you'll get into Strathclyde fresher's week. (19th - 25th Sept) Girls Aloud played last year, if that's you're thing as did Colin Murry from Radio One. Some Big Brother people made an appearance I think, and Hugh Lennon and his Hypno Dog is a must :biggrin:
and Hugh Lennon and his Hypno Dog is a must :biggrin:

Iv seen him before-its absolutly halarious!- was was crying :biggrin:

The GU site is crap though but it is

Ta! :biggrin:
They usually put something decent on, don't worry.

If all else fails and you're looking to meet people, as long as you've got your matric card you'll get into Strathclyde fresher's week. (19th - 25th Sept) Girls Aloud played last year, if that's you're thing as did Colin Murry from Radio One. Some Big Brother people made an appearance I think, and Hugh Lennon and his Hypno Dog is a must :biggrin:

That will be during my birthday! :biggrin:
That will be during my birthday! :biggrin:

How amazing would it be to have your birthday during freshers week!!!-ok maybe not your own freshers week-but still how amazingly trashed would you get!??
How amazing would it be to have your birthday during freshers week!!!-ok maybe not your own freshers week-but still how amazingly trashed would you get!??

Lol. Yeah, well i hoping it will be a good way to meet people as well! -"Buy me a drink its my birthday!". Lol. :p: :biggrin:
Lol. Yeah, well i hoping it will be a good way to meet people as well! -"Buy me a drink its my birthday!". Lol. :p: :biggrin:

And a cheap night at that!
And a cheap night at that!

:biggrin: :p: :cool:
Does everyone arrive then? I don't wanna be all on my lonesome! :frown:

Oh and i think most people will turn up on either saturday or sunday-i agather there will be a massive get together and piss up in general at what ever residences you get into.
Oh and i think most people will turn up on either saturday or sunday-i agather there will be a massive get together and piss up in general at what ever residences you get into.

The 10th is so soon! :eek:
Reply 19
Iv seen him before-its absolutly halarious!- was was crying :biggrin:

Me too... don't know when you saw him, but I went to the one at "Refreshers" Week at the Union in Feb 2004. (Yes, Strathclyde has a middle of the year Fresher's week. Go us !) My mate was up on the stage.. he was the one that had to do all the Michael Jackson dancing :biggrin: