The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Yes, i think so.
Reply 2
the pill is only affected by sickness and diorrhea because you chuck the pill up or pass it out so it doesnt get absorbed.

if you've been sick and you're on your break then it's fine. :smile:
Reply 3
How soon after taking the pill can you be sick without it being affected?
Reply 4
About 3 hours is the guideline, I think, but some people say more.
Reply 5
thanks people :smile: xx
Reply 6
my leaflet (for yasmin) says 4 hours.
about three-five hours i would think, i spose it depends how quickly you metabolise. Also, if you miss one day, remeber the 7 day rule!
Reply 8
Thanks for your replies! I've spent the last few hours completely paranoid because a few days ago I was sick about 7 and a half hours after taking it. At the time it didn't even occur to me it could have affected it :eek: Am very relieved, guess it should be ok then :smile:
Reply 9
yep, don't panic, sure it will have all been dissolved after nearly 8 hours. and if there was a chance that it hadn't, they wouldnt say 4 hours because surely it's better to be safe than sorry...