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What do you want to have achieved by age 25?

This is a sort of career-based question, but can also be answered for other aspects of ones life.

I guess I'm very idealistic and hope to achieve a lot by 25 that I know is basically impossible. I definitely want to have some grounding in a career in Journalism and hope to have had some success with my creative writing. I want to be in a secure financial position for the first time in my life and not have to worry about where I'm going to get money for things.

Aside from that, I want to travel (this is sort of tied in with finance). I want to have enough money to go on annual holidays. I've never been abroad before, so going to France or Spain would make me just as content as somewhere very remote and exotic. I'd like to be actively engaged in volunteer work and be able to donate significant amounts of money to decent, worthy causes without decreasing my own standard of living.

Skills wise, I want to learn piano because music lessons were something I missed out on as a child and the piano has always had a lot of appeal to me. I also would love to pick up another foreign language as I only know German proficiently and I'd like to be able to read foreign novels and poetry. I also want to learn how to cook (haha) and surf.

Intellectually I want to develop my understanding of the world and somehow inject a little wisdom into me, because I think of myself as a very foolish person who makes lots of mistakes. I want to be able to read as much as I do now and watch far less television. I'd also like to have some sort of relationship as I know ten year olds with more experience than me.

Am I asking too much d'ya think?

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Reply 1
I always wanted to have a whole lot of things done by 25 too, but the next five years or so will fly past and you'll wonder where they went. (don't I sound like a grandparent?)

I've just turned 23 and I've still got most of the things on my list to do. I recently got my career sorted and a place of my own. But that makes it a lot harder to travel and there are so many places I still want to see!

In the next two years I'd just like to take every opportunity to see as much of the world as possible, and save up as quickly as possible to get outside the M25 and buy a house surrounded by green.

Other things I want to do but probably won't are, finish learning the guitar, learn another language, read more etc etc..
I want to have completed my architectural and civ engineering course at bath and be working with Ove Arup. Also wish to have gotton engaged and passed my driving test :s-smilie:! but meh, i dont think it will happen that way :biggrin: i just wish to still be healthy and have a good network of close friends and family :biggrin:
Reply 3
Being alive would be a good thing followed by seeing my team gain promotion and being out of debt as well...
Reply 4
Eeeek thats not far off for me!

OK by 25 I wish to be half way through my Med degree, have my daughter settled at school and generally be happy :biggrin:
Reply 5
You got a kid already?
Reply 6
Acheive satisfaction and your on the happiness highway
Reply 7
When I turn 25, hopefully I'll be almost finished with my PhD. But while I'm 25, I want to finish a PhD and get a £40000 job doing something I love.

Before then I want to get a 1st from Cambridge, then a distinction in an MPhys from Cambridge. I also want to grow my hair really long and healthy because at the moment it's short and dying. I want to get really fit and run a marathon. I want to get rid of any debt and have enough to put down a payment for a house. I want to learn to ride a motorcycle and buy one. I also want to convince my parents to let me drive the nice car! I want to find a decent boyfriend who isn't boring or crazy.
Reply 8
iv got 6 years to find the love of my life.
can it be done?
iv got 6 years to find the love of my life.
can it be done?

good luck with it :smile: - stuff love right now, its all about getting a crazily good career :biggrin:
Reply 10
I'd like to have a car and a house of my own, I'd also like to be earning more money than I am at the minute (because I earn peanuts :mad: ) I'd like to find someone who will love me for who I am as well.

Realistically I'm thinking its not going to happen. I'm running out of time quickly and I can't see myself getting out of my current situation any time soon. :frown:
By the age of 25, I would have a good paid job, a car and house, and a wife.
Reply 12
can it be done?

Nothing's impossible.

As for the original poster, I guess you have got a bit of a wish list, but everybody's the same. I've always been that way, and whilst I never achieve everything I want to, I usually find that even achieving half of it is satisfactory (hence why high standards, and pessimistic outlooks, are sometimes good!).

However, you have no excuses! Some of the things you want to achieve by twenty five, you can start now! Seventeen is a very capable age; start reading more books now! Go to the library and pick up a nice meaty few. :p: You can try and teach yourself to cook now; once again get some books from the library, teach yourself a few meals. Or get whoever the domestic god is in your house, to give you some lessons. :p: The foreign language and piano could be looked into now as well. None of these things are impossible before twenty-five.

Romantically, why don't you go out, mix with a few more people. Spread yourself around; ask some people out, get on the first rung of the ladder! :wink:

See, you seem to be like me. Plenty of these things you could start achieving now, don't put it off, because you won't end up doing some things.

at the moment it's short and dying

Lol. Wilting hair...*funny imagery*.
hopefully if things go right, i'll be able to speak french and german fluently. i want to have lived in paris (i want to go to a uni there). plus hopefully i'll be in a job that pays well and that i love (long shot) as at the moment i have no bl**dy idea what i want tto do! I want a boyfriend that isn't an ar*ehole, and i want my own house and car (if things go according to plan- a jag :smile:) i also do NOT want to be living in england!
I'd like to have a PhD in something related to critical theory (and music). I'd also like to be fluent in German - I guess it will end up being one or the other.

Reply 15
I want to finish my Novel, it's driving me insane!!!!!!
Then maybe Travel the World
Why do we need to accomplish so much before we're 25.....we've got at least another 50 years on that hopefully....
Reply 16
have a degree, have a job, have a husband and not too much debt? at lot to ask for, I know, lol.
Reply 17
I'd like to have a PhD in something related to critical theory (and music). I'd also like to be fluent in German - I guess it will end up being one or the other.


Dann solltest du vielleicht einfach deinen Doctor in Deutschland machen? So lernst du am besten die Sprache :smile:
Reply 18
I want to have my degree, my own house (maybe) and would love to have travelled a bit. What I really want is to have found my true love :love:
Reply 19
Ok ideally I would love to achieve the following by 25 in order

1. Fame having passed my exams and found the cure for cancer or AIDS
2. Fortune (masses of money would be lush)
3. Finally get to know and be comfortable with who I am for once (I'm getting fed up with identity crises)
4. Meet the love of my life, have had a fantabulous wedding and start a young family somewhere in Miami

Realistically I think by 25 I will just like to have passed my final year exams, Have a place of my own, a stable bf and a close network of friends. Sigh how bleak life looks once you get off cloud 9.