This is a sort of career-based question, but can also be answered for other aspects of ones life.
I guess I'm very idealistic and hope to achieve a lot by 25 that I know is basically impossible. I definitely want to have some grounding in a career in Journalism and hope to have had some success with my creative writing. I want to be in a secure financial position for the first time in my life and not have to worry about where I'm going to get money for things.
Aside from that, I want to travel (this is sort of tied in with finance). I want to have enough money to go on annual holidays. I've never been abroad before, so going to France or Spain would make me just as content as somewhere very remote and exotic. I'd like to be actively engaged in volunteer work and be able to donate significant amounts of money to decent, worthy causes without decreasing my own standard of living.
Skills wise, I want to learn piano because music lessons were something I missed out on as a child and the piano has always had a lot of appeal to me. I also would love to pick up another foreign language as I only know German proficiently and I'd like to be able to read foreign novels and poetry. I also want to learn how to cook (haha) and surf.
Intellectually I want to develop my understanding of the world and somehow inject a little wisdom into me, because I think of myself as a very foolish person who makes lots of mistakes. I want to be able to read as much as I do now and watch far less television. I'd also like to have some sort of relationship as I know ten year olds with more experience than me.
Am I asking too much d'ya think?