The Student Room Group
Reply 1
i do that too!
Reply 2
its an extreme measure to take but why dont you cut your fingers off. then no need to worry about cracking no more.
glad to help :wink:
Reply 3
It's not nearly as harmful as a lot of people will tell you, don't worry about it.
Reply 4
hahaha dont worry about it i dont think arthritis is related to knuckle crackin. i do it subconciously as well is almost the first thing i dowhen i wake up. anyway my friend's dad is a doctor and i remember him saying the two things arent related thats why ive never tried to stop. Is there actually scientific evidence that it can have a bad effect in years to come??? Anyway the only thing i can suggest is possibly maybe writing on your hand sayin no or something so when you look at your knuckles and are about to start you stop yourself.
Reply 5
It's not nearly as harmful as a lot of people will tell you, don't worry about it.

How do you know that?

Cracking the knuckles can lead to arthritis, it is a fact. In your joints you have a pocket of liquid which protects adjacent bones from rubbing against each other and wearing each other down. When you crack your knuckles this liquid is forced out of the joint which is the noise you hear. Imagine popping a very small balloon, that is what happens. After several hours the liquid comes back but if you crack your knuckles too often then the bones have a chance to wear each other down.

It is a bad habit, not just because it can cause pre-mature arthritis but also because most people cannot stand someone sitting/standing beside people who click away at their fingers.

I used to do it, all I did was think to myself, 'what is the point', and I stopped.
Reply 6
its an extreme measure to take but why dont you cut your fingers off. then no need to worry about cracking no more.
glad to help :wink:

lol, that could work also.
Reply 7
Mrs. Political
i just wondered if anyone had any tips about how to stop cracking your knuckles. the thing is, is that i crack them very often and i'm worried that i'll get athritis soon. the problem is i just can't stop doing it, it's sort of in my subconscience- any tips, please......... :frown:

You won't get arthritis way, don't worry about that. You may get it in future though. I think its like all things in life, i'm sure that cracking your knuckles once in a while is no big deal, but all the time and you may have problems later on in life.

All things in moderation.
Reply 8
its irritating. stop it!

ummmm, just try to notice when u do it and stop :smile:
ohhhh crackin ur knuckles drives me insane :frown: ohhh its annoying - but if you do it constantly you have to eventually do it all the time because it stiffens your joints or somethin :confused: xoxo
Reply 10
My hands hurt so I have to do it, I think it's because of the computer :frown:
Reply 11
All my joints click, my elbows make a crunching sound every time I straighten my arms. My hips and neck click as well, they get all stiff so I twist which makes them click. If I don't do that then it just gets worse of it's own accord.
Reply 12
I crack my knuckles, and there's nothing that annoys me more than people saying how its really annoying/a bad habit as though I do it for the fun of it. I don't know how to explain but its kind of like I have to crack them, like they're sort of stuck unless i crack them. Does anyone else find this?
i've done it so much that now if i don't, my hands really hurt :eek:
Reply 14
ohhhh crackin ur knuckles drives me insane :frown: ohhh its annoying - but if you do it constantly you have to eventually do it all the time because it stiffens your joints or somethin :confused: xoxo

I love the noise. I don't crack my knuckles but i do make my bf stand on my back until it cracks (it's a great way of relieving tension in your back and according to a physio i went to once not at all harmful!) :smile:
Reply 15
clicking my joints is one of my favourite things - ive been doing my fingers since I was like 9 I think, and over the years other joints have joined the party. My favourite is my spine I think, like every vertebrae going, it feels so ****ing good

theres as many places telling u that joint cracking is no problem as there are saying its uber gay and will **** you up

One thing u can do it be careful not to damage the joint when actually stretching it, especially neck and spine, dont throw them around, do it controlled and ****
Reply 16
I don't know how to explain but its kind of like I have to crack them, like they're sort of stuck unless i crack them. Does anyone else find this?

definately dude
Reply 17
How do you know that?

Cracking the knuckles can lead to arthritis, it is a fact. In your joints you have a pocket of liquid which protects adjacent bones from rubbing against each other and wearing each other down. When you crack your knuckles this liquid is forced out of the joint which is the noise you hear. Imagine popping a very small balloon, that is what happens. After several hours the liquid comes back but if you crack your knuckles too often then the bones have a chance to wear each other down.

It is a bad habit, not just because it can cause pre-mature arthritis but also because most people cannot stand someone sitting/standing beside people who click away at their fingers.

I used to do it, all I did was think to myself, 'what is the point', and I stopped.

No test have ever shown a true link between the two. If medical professionals don't think it's an issue to warn people about then the chances are it's not a big problem.
Reply 18
find a different annoying habit