The Student Room Group
Reply 1
depends on what it was about.
Reply 2
dpends what they lied about how small were the things and why did they lie about them.
Reply 3
Yeah I agree, it depends on what they lied about, or how important it was, and how many times. Saying that if you trusted eachother there shouldn't be any need to lie in my opinion.
If it was something like, "No, I lied - I'm secretly in love with a 30 year old woman called Barbara" then no o_0 But if it was just something like "Yes, I said I'd given up chocolate but who can resist it?" then I'd just find it funny. It really depends on the situation...
Reply 5
No Iwould trust my partner if he can tell lies once he can do it again
it would depend i think on whether the lies were constant and increasing in untruthfulness each time. Once or twice, providing they were small/insignificant in the grand scheme of things i wouldnt mind i suppose....
some of us don't believe in truth,

Reply 8
some of us don't believe in truth,


Do you not believe your name is Jacob?
Do you not believe your name is Jacob?

I think that the more important point is whether or not there is a "thing" that the fact relates to - otherwise it can just be a label rather than a truth (albeit a label upon a label)

Reply 10
As previously really depends
Reply 11
I think that the more important point is whether or not there is a "thing" that the fact relates to - otherwise it can just be a label rather than a truth (albeit a label upon a label)


But in the ordinary sense, if you said your name was not Jacob, you would be lying. Regardless of whether this label is wrong or refers to something that might not be as it seems, this is the label which has been given to you and this is the label you use. To assert otherwise would be lying.

The label in itself cannot be a truth as that makes no sense, but a statement which asserts/denies it would indeed be a truth or lie respectively.
"If Pinnochio says that his nose is going to grow, what happens?"
Reply 13
"If Pinnochio says that his nose is going to grow, what happens?"

Haha! I like that! :biggrin:
But in the ordinary sense, if you said your name was not Jacob, you would be lying. Regardless of whether this label is wrong or refers to something that might not be as it seems, this is the label which has been given to you and this is the label you use. To assert otherwise would be lying.

The label in itself cannot be a truth as that makes no sense, but a statement which asserts/denies it would indeed be a truth or lie respectively.

No, if it has no concrete basis then an assertion/denial would be a value judgement.

Reply 15
No, if it has no concrete basis then an assertion/denial would be a value judgement.


That's the most ridiculous thing ever. Are you saying that you cannot legitimately say that your name is Jacob? :rolleyes: If so, you are being unnecessarily pedantic and going off on an irrelevant silly tangent.

It DOES have a concrete basis. At least beyond reasonable doubt. You can't get away with being sceptical about everything when day to day matters are concerned. It is a good thought experiment but not practical.