The Student Room Group

Tattoo Removal

I was thinking of getting a Tattoo (biggish one) on my lower back but I'm scared that I'll get fed up with it later in life. Is Tattoo removal as painful as it is made out? Have any of you had a tattoo removed?

What about semi-permanant tattoo, was thinkin about gettin that done but heard it turns weird lookin when it starts to fade out in a few years? I dont know which one to get now...

Any comments welcome
if you think you'll get fed up with it... then y the hell are you considering it?
onl;y get one if your sure you wont regret it

stick to hena if you want a big one you can change it when you want
(removal sounds increadiblly painful)
Reply 2
stick to hena if you want a big one you can change it when you want
(removal sounds increadiblly painful)

But I do want a tatto right now, and I know that completely. Its jst that I also know by the time I am 50, I will probably be fed up with it. But that doesn't mean that I shouldn't get a tatto for the next 20 or 30 years of my life should it? That's why I am considering everything now, like the possibility of geting it off without undergoing tremendous pain, and if that pain is worth it :confused:

Do any of you know anything about semi-permanent tatoos - which only stay on for about 2-5 years? I want that done but have no idea where or if they are any good, i.e they wont look dreadful for the last months that they stay on.
Reply 3
Semi permanent tattos are not semi permanent. There is no way of either injecting the dye so that it will stay for only a certain amount of time, or of altering the dye so that it will only last a few years. They will either be permament, as in 5 or so years the place won't exist for you to complain to, or will fade patchy and blobby.
Reply 4
If you have any doubt at all then don't get a tatoo - people look more than fine without them.
Reply 5
You see the thing is in normal circumstances I wiould never really get a tatto but I have some acne scars in one blob on my lower back that I COMPLETELY hate and that make wearing jeans a hassle. I always have to make sure that my nickers are high enough, so that when I sit down my scars won't show! They are not that big but there are lots of them and you can tell when you really look. I have already spent £450 trying to fade them with a treatement, but it didnt really help (damn those doctors!). That is why I feel that in order to be able to wear the kind of clothes that i want to wear, I have to either get a tattoo or always cover the place up! So I feel that getting a tattoo is sort of like a neccessity for me. I am going to Uni next year and I want to be able to wear the clothes I want without feeling like **** cos of some dumb scars! But I also know that by the time I get into my 40's I wont really want to show my back or care about these scars, and that I may not want the tatto anymore. That is why I am bloody confused as to whether I should get them!
Reply 6
How about a piercing? You can take them out later
Reply 7
If you haven't had a tattoo yet and are unsure whether to get one DON'T DO IT!!! You're thinking of tattoo removal before you even get the tattoo, which suggests you're not 100% on getting one. You can however get a temporary tattoo which only goes through a certain number of layers of skin (I believe but don't quote me I'm not entirely sure) hence it doesn't last 'forever' but as the time goes on I think it goes a bit blurry and so look a bit rubbish.

It seems you need to think this through a lot more, please don't get a tattoo on a whim, you'll regret it later :frown:
How about a piercing? You can take them out later

Yeah I agree with Juno. Piercings are easier, cost less in most cases and if you get sick of them you can take them out as you please. A tattoo is there forever except if removed and as it says in this link "regardless of which method of tattoo removal is used, some scarring or color variations are likely to remain". With a piercing if you leave it out long enough it will heal and could scar but it would be alot less scarring than the removal of a tattoo.
Reply 9
you will still see the acne, just itll have a pattern on/in/around it. if someone is looking hard enough to see it the way it is at the minute then they will look equally as hard in future, and f u are unsure dont get it, i have 3, wish i didnt have 1 of them, but mmeh. just gotta live with it now.
Reply 10
* gemchicken
If you haven't had a tattoo yet and are unsure whether to get one DON'T DO IT!!! You're thinking of tattoo removal before you even get the tattoo, which suggests you're not 100% on getting one. You can however get a temporary tattoo which only goes through a certain number of layers of skin (I believe but don't quote me I'm not entirely sure) hence it doesn't last 'forever' but as the time goes on I think it goes a bit blurry and so look a bit rubbish.

It seems you need to think this through a lot more, please don't get a tattoo on a whim, you'll regret it later :frown:

Except temporary tattos don't actually exist, apart from the transfer type that last about a week
Reply 11
Yup...or henna which lasts 2-4 weeks.
Reply 12
dont get a tattoo if you think you will get bored of i.

A tattoo is for life, not just for summer.