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Reply 1
piles? ask a doctor, its what their there for.
Reply 2
Has he not told your parents? He should go and see a doctor asap.
Reply 3
See a doctor immediately.
Reply 4
but he has no other symptoms..... you sure he has to see a doctor? its not black blood or anything... but spots of bright red blood
Reply 5
likely to be something simple like haemorrhoid on the inside of his rectum, but best to see a doctor just incase.
Reply 6
It *might* be that he's straining too much, and so maybe (forgive my bluntness) has a small tear. Or maybe it's even a spot.

However I strongly advise that he goes to the doctor, 3 days is 3 days too long and you need to make 100% sure it's nothing serious. It will give you a piece of mind, so please make him go to the doctor.
Reply 7
hmmm yeh that is the right thing to do i spose...... but it seems to be dyeing down..... what if it stops in say another 2 days? dyu still think he should see a doctor?
Reply 8
its embarrassing going to see the doctor...... esp if its nothing... the tests they do are a bit extreme
Reply 9
But it's better to be safe than sorry. Really should go to the doctor.
Reply 10
its embarrassing going to see the doctor...... esp if its nothing... the tests they do are a bit extreme

Embaressment is worth it if it helps him sort out the problem, believe me the doctor will have seen it all before, and worse! Please I think you should get him to see a doctor.
Reply 11
what are the things it could be?.... besides bowel cancer. Hes only 18
Reply 12
besides bowel cancer

You need a besides??
Reply 13
what colour is the blood? The darker it is the further inside it has come from. It's probably a tear, is there much blood on the paper?
Reply 14
I already know thats a possibility..... what other things could it be that are less serious? Bowel cancer usually affects the over 60s.... my brother is only 18
Generally bright red blood on stools isn't too bad a sign, probablary means anal fissure - bleeding from the rectum.
but certainly go to the docotrs to get it checked out - they will check it there (a finger up the bum, no harm done.) and then and ask for a stool and blood sample.
might also need a sigmoidoscopy (camera about the size of your little finger placed up back passage to check if anything is amiss).

DEFINATELY go to docs asap and get it checked out, though i imagine it will be something minor it is always worth getting checked out.

Quick question though (you probablary wont know the abswers)
-Does he pass stools regularly. has there been any change recently in consistency, colour, or frequency of number 2s.
-any recent illness, weight loss, shortness of breath, dizzyness, pain...
Reply 16
the blood is just standard blood red colour... like when you cut yourself or whatever. Its not dark.
Reply 17
there has been abolutley no change to his routine... and he feels normal with no symptoms.... no stomach pains or anything....
the blood is just standard blood red colour... like when you cut yourself or whatever. Its not dark.

see if it were higher up then it loses that colour. bright red means either
-bleeding like crazy from duodenal ulcer/gastric ulcer/GI tract
-small bleeding tear/abrasion in rectum.

Worth getting checked still, and they will be able to give a dilaptory cream/spray to help.
plus i would bet he needs more bulk in his diet :wink:
Reply 19
wel hes just said he had some blood in his poo 2 months ago for a few days.... then it stopped. and now hes got this again. Both times there were no symptoms