The Student Room Group

Superglue in washing machine - HELP!!!

Hi guys,

I need help. Serious help. I accidentally put superglue in the washing-machine's on button, so it's glued in place. Please please help - I'm desperate! The button's stuck in place, and I need a way to remove superglue without damaging the button. PLEASE HELP!!!

Reply 1
I guess this is one of those situations where you think you had a good purpose at the time but wonder what the hell you were doing after? :biggrin:
Phone the information line number on the packet of superglue.

You'll need some sort of solvent to remove the glue but it'll vary depending on the specific type of glue - the helpline people should be able to help:smile:
Oh my god, I think I might die laughing. Um, try googling 'getting rid of superglue' or something similar...I don't think there's a way to get rid of it though, or at least I've never heard of one.
Reply 5
Glad to see I have your sympathy :s: :indiff:

Thanks for the advice :smile:

Reply 6
Lol, well you can't superglue a washing machine button down and expect no-one to laugh at you :smile:

As someone above said call the superglue company.
Reply 7
what were you doing with superglue near the washing machine buttons ANYWAY?
Reply 8
something like acetone should dissolve the adhesive ok, might damage the button though.

remember that superglue is VERY weak so you should be able to break it just by using a little force.
Reply 9
superglue is VERY weak

Hence the name.

Reply 10
Trousers- ?

Its a cyanoacrylate adhesive, designed to be quick drying and good for fiddily bits, not for strength- for strength you'd want an epoxy resin.

A quick google later and it does appear that acetone (nail varnish remover) will shift it fine (as I said earlier).
American pie says....

Pain Thinner
Reply 12
Trousers- ?

Its a cyanoacrylate adhesive, designed to be quick drying and good for fiddily bits, not for strength- for strength you'd want an epoxy resin.

A quick google later and it does appear that acetone (nail varnish remover) will shift it fine (as I said earlier).

Always seems fairly strong to me - if it was as weak as you suggested, the poor chap wouldn't be having a problem. I suppose one man's 'very weak' is another man's 'quite strong enough, thank you'.
Hi guys,

I need help. Serious help. I accidentally put superglue in the washing-machine's on button, so it's glued in place. Please please help - I'm desperate! The button's stuck in place, and I need a way to remove superglue without damaging the button. PLEASE HELP!!!


OMG how did you do that?

Anyway, I agree. Paint thinner or Acetone should do it.

I had that laugh in my mind too! :biggrin:
Reply 15
lol i know this isnt meant to be funny but it really is....
but yeh at least some people have something more helpful to say :rolleyes:
Reply 16
Why on earth?!!