The Student Room Group

Uni relationship advice needed!!!!!

Hi everyone! I really need some advice! As sad as it sounds I'm 19 and I still need relationship advice! Basically, I worked as a Mentor on a summer school last week and had a great time working with all the other staff. By about Wednesday I was getting on really well with another one of the Mentors and was flirting left, right and centre as was the Mentor in question. By Thursday this became even more obvious and people started asking questions. On Friday, we all went home and I just had a rather 'normal' goodbye with the mentor. Thing is, I'm not working on any more summer schools with this person and I really don't know whether to contact them and find out how things lie, whether anything will happen, if they even fancy me at all etc. The other catch is I know that they just got back from visiting a friend in Ireland and had had a 'little' holiday romance with someone which they wanted to follow up. Should I just leave things as they are and wait to see if I see them around uni in October, ask them if they want to go out for a drink? I don't know if I can wait that long, I really can't stop thinking about this person. Any comments would be much appreciated! :smile:
Reply 1
you dont want to lose your chance with this person; the holiday romance of theirs might be long over!
The fact that other people noticed you and her were close, then its likely she likes you a lot as well. Have you got her mobile number? if so why dont u text her and just ask how she is?
However if it seems she's not that bothered and may still be into this holiday romance of hers, Id wait until uni and just see what happens then!
Whatever you do, make sure you take any chance you can to get a bit closer to her otherwise you might reget it!
Reply 2
I suppose sending her a txt wouldn't be a bad idea! What's the worst that could happen! :smile:
Reply 3
Yeah just send her a text, asking if you she wants to meet up for a coffee/drink. Don't say anything about a relationship, play it cool and see what she's like when you meet with her. If she still seems really keen then fab, if she doesn't and is eyeing up other guys or talking constantly about her holiday romance, don't mention how you feel. Actually, you could then at least if she says no you won't have to see her anymore, and you won't regret not saying anything. I guess if you meet up you'll be able to tell how things are from there. Good Luck hunny! :hugs:
Reply 4
Im sure she likes you, and I bet shes wondering what to do about it as well!
Just send her a text, just friendly not too obvious that your asking her out on a date tho :p: that way she ahs the opportunity to say whether she likes you.. or to say "sorry i like someone else"... obviously she'll be fine about it tho! good luck!!
Like gemchicken says, you prob wont see her for ages anyway so either way youre fine :smile:
Just get in touch, like the others have said, be friendly, stop thinking about it and just do it!
Reply 6
Well I did it! No reply in two days. At least I know.....
Reply 7
Well I did it! No reply in two days. At least I know.....

At least no regrets, regret is hoooorrible.

And it might still not be too late, she might be teasing you :hugs:
Reply 8
what did you text her then? Im sure she'll text u back, if not then she obviously aint worth the bother :smile: