The Student Room Group

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Reply 1
Who cares about the blood; congrats on coming out alive at all! I despised mine. URGH. I had a trainee nurse and she did it wrong; punctured my flipping vein until I was bloody dying of blood loss...
Reply 2
i think bloody changes colour over time after its out of your body.

or they could have got it from a vein instead of artery.

or the glass might have been different.

or you're devil spawn.
if you're still breathing, then your blood must be alright, (as in, the fact that you've been alive this long means you should be alright). I don't know of any disorder that causes a change in blood colour. It probably because they draw the blood from a vein, which contains deoxygenated blood, which is dark red/bordering on black. They draw the blood from a vein because you might bleed to death if they punctured an artery, which wouldn't be very useful. So don't worry! :biggrin:
Reply 4
lol yay!! thank u all!
Reply 5
blood is usually quite dark is it not...?
Reply 6
Did the nurses eyes widen when she took the blood?

Did she suddenly begin shouting 'oh my god! The devil's spawn! The DEVIL'S SPAWN!' whilst taking the blood?

No? Then it's fine :biggrin:
Reply 7
dont worry, i had my first 1 today too :smile: Mine was really dark to, so nothing to worry about :smile:
Reply 8
just had my 1st ever blood test.....the thing is....looking at the other tubes of blood, mine was REALLY black....
er...should i be worried?

GIVE BLOOD! Did you know that if you've lived in the UK for several years during the Mad Cow crisis, you can't give blood in a lot of countries, as I found out when attempting to give blood in France...
Reply 9
your fine dont worry
it was prob darker cos it was de-oxygenated, cos they take it from ur veins.
nowt to be bothered about :smile:
Reply 11
I once studied all night for a blood test.
Reply 12
I once studied all night for a blood test.

Telling jokes of that callibre is a bannable offence.
Reply 13
Telling jokes of that callibre is a bannable offence.

Elaborate, pray do.
just had my 1st ever blood test.....the thing is....looking at the other tubes of blood, mine was REALLY black....
er...should i be worried?

Maybe you're a royal and you just don't know it yet....
He's saying its such a bad joke you should be chucked. Or he's miffed because newton was banned for advertising, and is doing the mod smear dance to show his ire.
just had my 1st ever blood test.....the thing is....looking at the other tubes of blood, mine was REALLY black....
er...should i be worried?

doesn't mean anything, just means the blood coming out fo the vein was (unsurprisingly) deoxygenated rather than the blood you envisage (arterial) which is bright red.
Assuming she used a vacunatainer i can't see why other blood samples were THAT much brighter.
Reply 17
He's saying its such a bad joke you should be chucked. Or he's miffed because newton was banned for advertising, and is doing the mod smear dance to show his ire.

Hehe, no it was the former. :p:
Hehe, no it was the former. :p:

the last few weeks on this forum have made me a cynical and bitter frosty soul... :frown:
Reply 19
the last few weeks on this forum have made me a cynical and bitter frosty soul... :frown:
Join the club. :frown: Apparently I'm a sycophantic, attention-seeking bitch. Lovely.

Don't worry wonkey, they'd have told you if something was wrong.