The Student Room Group

18-25 year olds job centre group sessions - anyone here been?

I'm just curious what type of session it will be. I mean, is it something stupid where you all sit around and they talk to you or... tell you how to fill out a C.V etc etc?

Don't ask why, but I'm seriously doing my best to aviod it. What I wanted to know was, if I skimpted on going to the meeting, will they know? Is it recorded onto my file?

I need people that have gone or not gone to answer, not people from of the top of your heads as I need to know what really happens or what will happen if I don't go.


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Reply 1
There must be someone that goes to the job centre I can't be the only broke one on this forum :biggrin: :rolleyes:
Reply 2
If you mean what I think you do, it'll be something they've contracted out to the lowest bidder and done with about the level of effort you'd expect from a dead slug. They're meant to help with stuff like CVs and provide resources for contacting employers, but, well... every one I've ever gotten feedback on has been something on the range of one internet-connected computer, one telephone (for staff use only) and about 3 staff to cover 20-odd people. There are probably competent people running these things somewhere but neither I nor my Jobcentre mole have encountered any yet.

In terms of attendance - yes, they'll want you to sign something to show you turned up, if you don't you'll have to justify why not to your advisor and it'll go to a decision-maker as to whether you get penalised or not - unless you have a real good reason they tend to come down on the 'penalty' side of things pretty hard.
Oh god, I hope I don't have to go to one of those. I'm looking for a job at the moment. I know how to apply for jobs and I already have my own CV I made myself which seems to be fine as I have got jobs with it before :rolleyes:
Reply 4
I know right? It sucks to be me right about now. I'm 19 years old and have the brain power of a 30 year old (I am told) I see no need to go out and get help from a C.V that no one in the modern age uses as it is. My life story is a very long one, so don't ask how I ended up signing on for a lowsy £45 a week.

God damn em all. I hope JCP burns in hell, they treat you like second class citizens. If I had the money some people had, I would have been a millionair by now.

Thanks for the reply btw Maynia, are you sure I need to sign something? Are you like... positive positive? Thats the most inportant one.

Thanks again.
I've been to one recently; its nothing interesting. In fact, you already know most of the stuff they tell you. They go through those interminable Green packets with useless information that is obvious in it. The women we had kept on talking about how fantastic her job was as she'd just found it (brilliant, exactly what we want to hear). Yeah, so, mine lasted about an hour and didn't really teach me anything, just that I want to get out myself in to a position that I never have to set foot in a Job Centre ever again.

I recently saw that they think the Job Centre's are friendly places to go to; the staff make it blatant that they think you are, like you said above, a second class citizen and that you are scum just because you can't find a job. There's such a stigmatism towards people on benefits - the world (particularly TSR) needs to understand that not everyone on it is an idiot or a government scrounger.

Oh, and yeah you have to go - it should tell you on the letter that if you don't it is a serious breach of your contract and that your JSA could be affected should you be absent. They do a sort of register like thing at the start, you know, just to make the fact that you don't have a job even more depressing.
Reply 6
I've been to one recently; its nothing interesting. In fact, you already know most of the stuff they tell you. They go through those interminable Green packets with useless information that is obvious in it. The women we had kept on talking about how fantastic her job was as she'd just found it (brilliant, exactly what we want to hear). Yeah, so, mine lasted about an hour and didn't really teach me anything, just that I want to get out myself in to a position that I never have to set foot in a Job Centre ever again.

I recently saw that they think the Job Centre's are friendly places to go to; the staff make it blatant that they think you are, like you said above, a second class citizen and that you are scum just because you can't find a job. There's such a stigmatism towards people on benefits - the world (particularly TSR) needs to understand that not everyone on it is an idiot or a government scrounger.

Oh, and yeah you have to go - it should tell you on the letter that if you don't it is a serious breach of your contract and that your JSA could be affected should you be absent. They do a sort of register like thing at the start, you know, just to make the fact that you don't have a job even more depressing.

Thanks for the reply.

Man, you just screwed my night over :frown: now I can't bare thinking about gnoig to that crap hole and acutally sitting there for 1 hole hour.

Can I ask you something, was it like, you need to sit in a group of people and talk to each other or something? Or do you just fill out stuff and leave. I mean, do they start questing each and every one of you one by one?

Do you have seperate desks to sit at, or is it in a circle of chairs or something? 'Cos if it is, man that is some gay shiit.
Reply 7
Just to ask, can't I fake it and say I have a fever or something?
Thanks for the reply.

Man, you just screwed my night over :frown: now I can't bare thinking about gnoig to that crap hole and acutally sitting there for 1 hole hour.

Can I ask you something, was it like, you need to sit in a group of people and talk to each other or something? Or do you just fill out stuff and leave. I mean, do they start questing each and every one of you one by one?

Do you have seperate desks to sit at, or is it in a circle of chairs or something? 'Cos if it is, man that is some gay shiit.

Ha, sorry about that. I know its a pain and its demeaning but at the end of it all, one hour and a five minute meeting every two weeks isn't too much to ask for.

Oh, and don't be worried by it-unless your Job Centre is different to mine, you don't have to do anything. We got in there, about 10-12 of us, sat in rows. Then we were handed various leaflets (take a bag with you) and were lectured for an hour about what was inside the leaflets etc. You already know it all and you can ask questions if you want. Its nothing strenuous or taxing.

No don't try and fake it, as someone said previously, they'll ask to see proof (only fake it if you can get an official doctor's note which means tricking a doctor which means fooling science) and don't just miss saying that you forgot or couldn't get there- they'll ask why you didn't ring up and let them know previously, and then they'll just rearrange it. As **** as it is, you will eventually have to do it- just prepare yourself to be bored for an hour but remember its a small sacrifice for 45 pounds.
Oh I know that feeling they treat you like **** for even bothering to look for a job.

The one woman reduced me to tears one day when she said I didn't bother looking ('ey I live in a small town with limited transport there's only so many jobs going a week) and that I obviously never sent my CV off, sent it to all the pubs and shops. TBH I think they were sick of me phoning every 1 - 2 weeks to see if there were jobs going. My fault really for leaving education when the recession started and most places started going out of business.

You'll be fine though just don't let them treat you like crap, you are human too.
What I got was a telling off for leaving my job - but I really didn't like it anymore and was really unhappy. I don't see why I should stay in a job that makes me so miserable just for the money. I had also applied for 20-30 jobs in the last week and all they said was that I need to look for jobs in 3 different ways and that I wasn't doing enough... ARGH
Reply 11
Spenta bit of time on JSA - These courses they run are complete crap.

Spend ages answering question that I'd expect a 5-year-old to answer pretty well.

What a load of crap - But, I imagine that its a requirment of your JSA to turn-up to the group and sign in.

One thing i can almost guarantee you is this - after the group session, you'll experience a renewed vigour to go and find a job, but only to avoid another group session.
Reply 12
When I was on JSA, I was asked to go on one of these. If I didn't go, they said I could loose my money for that week. So I went, and it was rubbish. We watched this powerpoint and were given sheets on how to act in an interview, how to dress for an interview, etc. All stuff that you get taught in school really. It lasted around an hour. The only useful bit was when they gave us a list of avaliable jobs in the area.

But, it yours might be different to mine, due to the areas we live in :s-smilie:
Reply 13
Being on JSA is incredibly demoralising, and being patronising seems to be a requirement if you want to work there. But unfortunately with things like this it is about playing the game.
Reply 14
I went to one of those 'how to write a cv' seminars, we couldn't find it for ages. Ground floor -> 1st -> 2nd -> 3rd, however it was worth it for the booklet they gave out.
Had some great CV & cover letter examples, and I could already write a cv too.
Reply 15

I recently saw that they think the Job Centre's are friendly places to go to; the staff make it blatant that they think you are, like you said above, a second class citizen and that you are scum just because you can't find a job.

I found the staff very helpful and friendly(as could be expected when they are so busy) :smile: , guess I was lucky.
I found the staff very helpful and friendly(as could be expected when they are so busy) :smile: , guess I was lucky.

Yeah it all depends on where you are and who you get - sometimes I'll get a really nice guy who genuinely tries to help and asks me how its going, but other times there'll be staff that couldn't care less and just want you out the door as quick as possible which just makes the whole situation worse.

I understand that the job they do is boring and repetitive but they should show some appreciation for the situation people are in, act enthusiastic towards you and try to help.
Reply 17
^^ Nope. out of the 6 months I've been attending the JC I've noticed that their either very stingy old English women, or black women with a very bad stereotypical attitude. There are also the odd gays in there (or so I think) with again, stereotypical attitudes of extremely annoying and pissy moods/looks on their faces, you know like you see in the movies the gay photographers. They look at you with horrid faces like your some sort of an animal. They treat you like ****.

One time, I never received the letter that was suppose to be handed out to me regarding coming into one of these meetings, and I lost my JCA and they never even told me. When I tried to speak to someone, the manager told me "are you trying to tell me my colleague lied and never gave you the letter? - I don't think so.” I went on 1 whole month without pay, and they declined my rapid reclaim too.

It's fcuking horrible. In this day and age, they should know people get fired... not hired.

You know, if you ever see a job centre on fire on the news in the London area... Don't be surprised, I'm given you guys a heads up... 'Cos it will be me.
Reply 18
Don't ask why, but I'm seriously doing my best to aviod it. What I wanted to know was, if I skimpted on going to the meeting, will they know? Is it recorded onto my file?

Yes they could sanction you if you don't attend.
Reply 19
I see no need to go out and get help from a C.V that no one in the modern age uses as it is. My life story is a very long one, so don't ask how I ended up signing on for a lowsy £45 a week.

God damn em all. I hope JCP burns in hell

I've got jobs from mine before, IBM's grad scheme is CV based.

You don't have to take the money and go through the JSA process you know. You could quit off it at any time.