The Student Room Group
Reply 1
I use Specsavers but once in an emergency I used an Asda brand one and it was fine.
Reply 2
yeh just use any. They're all checked out. I use the own brand of whatever supermarket i happen to go shopping at. Never had a problem
Reply 3
I use the 10-10 but then found Tesco's own make was cheaper so I thought I'd try that and it was completely fine :smile:
Reply 4
Since I'm in Germany our brand names are different, but I have tried different solutions for soft contacts and as you say they all basicly contain the same stuff and I've been fine with whatever I have used.

You could have an allergic reaction if you are that kind of person if there are preserves??- stuff to make the solution keep- in it. Solutions with katalyst don't have that and that means that risk isn't there.
Reply 5
Since I'm in Germany our brand names are different, but I have tried different solutions for soft contacts and as you say they all basicly contain the same stuff and I've been fine with whatever I have used.

You could have an allergic reaction if you are that kind of person if there are preserves??- stuff to make the solution keep- in it. Solutions with katalyst don't have that and that means that risk isn't there.

Oh yeah, you've just reminded me, my above thread ^^^ I have soft contacts too, I don't really know much about hard contacts :redface:

I tried the all in one solution and it hurt my eyes, even though it was the one my optician advised, but I went back to the normal one I have, cleaning then 10 minute rinse with the little tubey thingys, and supermarket own brands have done the same job and not affected my eyes at all :biggrin:
Reply 6
use another brand!!!! how did you run out?? ive still got loads of the stuff from when I used to war contact lenses (I should realy throw them out, but out of sight out of mind) I used specsavers too and only used to use about 1/2 bottle a month, and I allways thought I used allot, you must use loads!
Reply 7
Before I always used to run out of solution - I get a bottle a month from Specsavers - but if you go to Specsavers, they'll give you a small bottle free. However I opened by cupboard the other day to find 5 bottles in there - somehow I've gone from over-using to under-using!
Reply 8
some are better than others., but they should all work.