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Before I will start explaining my idea I want you to remember you that there is an exception to every rule.
And for now my first question for you will be “What color of the eyes do you like most?”
When I studied biology in school and we were studying the structure of DNA and genetics, I got that there must be a special set of chromosomes for people with blue eyes and dark eyes. And actually this set differs. So people with light color of eyes have one set of chromosomes and dark eyed people have another.
Then, I have noticed, that people with blue eyes liked people with dark eyes and the opposite, then I was wondering if it was just a coincidence or there was something in it. So I made a formal test and asked about 100 people about what color of the eyes do they have and what color of the eyes they like in the opposite sex. The result was surprising, - 93 people told that they were attracted to people with the opposite color of the eyes. And it was obvious for me that there was something in it. Sure, I had to question more than 100 people but just this was possible for me for that time.
Then I started to think why it is so? And after some time I got the supposition. I remembered from physics that magnets work just if you put plus and minus, right? Then, I remembered that people also instinctually pay attention on the smell that the other people have, that the smell brings us some information about the person. And we actually get this information instinctually (mostly about health) and are or not attracted to the person, instinctually thinking about getting future child from this person (And I remember this test, that you, Mr. Winston, did with women who had to smell men’s t- shirts from the bottle). So, I suppose that there probably is some genetic information in our eyes as well that we can read (also note, that the tracery on the iris in every eye is different like the tracery on hands of every person is unique, and it is also well known, for example, that if the person gets some dots on the eyes it shows 1st that this person is stressed or 2nd that he needs more vitamins, as some scientist says, so there must be some information in the eyes for sure.) I think that people can read this information instinctually, we don’t think about it, but mostly we are attracted to people with the opposite color of the eyes, it is like with the smell, and perhaps people are attracted to people with the opposite color of the eye because thanks to this information that we get we can see that, if we will be with this person it can give a good genetic to a future child? I don’t know if it is so, or not, but I am sure that there is something in it. To know that we need to do some genetic tests, to prove it experimentally.
I also wanted to note, that from my observation, I strongly believe that people with blue eyes or just light eyes are psychologically weaker, then dark eyed people. I have noticed that 98% of alcoholics that I saw had light blue eyes. Probably it all goes from genetics, though I still don’t know how it works; in genetics brown is dominant over blue. And about the genetic side of the eye color you can read actually here

But here is one question then, why do almost all children born with blue eyes, and just after a few months the color changes or not. Is it because in theory all newborns are really weak, psychologically and physically? And then, after a few month, when probably it is well seen what kind of personality will have a child the color changes or not. But as we also know, we get the color of the eyes is in our genes. So it a question, why it changes and why children do not born with dark eyes. So it is unknown.
Sure this is just a theory, and it can be proved or disproved. For sure I would have to work out many details.
But from this that I have I can make a conclusion that with the tracery on the iris of the eye we can instinctually read the genetic information and we are attracted to the person with the opposite color of the eye, because probably it can influence the genetic of a future child.
It was published in one local newspaper and I met one scientist who suggested me to try to prove it in the Petrozavodsk Scientist University, but as you know, Russia is a very bureaucratic country and there also were no money for this. So, it was left just a theory.

the full text if people are interested
Reply 2
You know, that is really interesting, esp the bit about blue eyes being 'weaker' and then babies being born with blue eyes until they get physically and psychologicallly stronger. I was born with blue eyes and they later turned dark brown...does this mean I'm psychologcally strong?!

I think you have some fascinating ideas, that should be investigated further. Your proposal is well thought out, but I think (if you don't mind me saying) that you might need some further evidence to back things up, as a) not all blue eyed people are alcoholics and b) some brown eyed people I know are very psychologically/physically weak.

Sorry to people who haven't read through CherryGarcia's theory, if you will you'll understand my post!

I'm pretty tired now, and won't be long out my bed but I'm sure I'll think about your ideas and get back to have me thinking now! :smile:
Reply 3
Thx for ur rpely, it is really interessting to read about ur research work..and sure all ur advices are needed!!!!! THX THX THX :smile:))
btw I was born with blue eyes as well, and to open a little secret I am trying to figure out now and already have some ideas about why babies eyes change...but is is a secret now lol :smile:
nity nite to you

* gemchicken
You know, that is really interesting, esp the bit about blue eyes being 'weaker' and then babies being born with blue eyes until they get physically and psychologicallly stronger. I was born with blue eyes and they later turned dark brown...does this mean I'm psychologcally strong?!

I think you have some fascinating ideas, that should be investigated further. Your proposal is well thought out, but I think (if you don't mind me saying) that you might need some further evidence to back things up, as a) not all blue eyed people are alcoholics and b) some brown eyed people I know are very psychologically/physically weak.

Sorry to people who haven't read through CherryGarcia's theory, if you will you'll understand my post!

I'm pretty tired now, and won't be long out my bed but I'm sure I'll think about your ideas and get back to have me thinking now! :smile:
Reply 4
I was born with blue eyes as well, and to open a little secret I am trying to figure out now and already have some ideas about why babies eyes change...but is is a secret now lol :smile:

I read somewhere it was to do with the light....not sure what exactly, but I'm so sure I learnt that from somewhere, for example, if you put a newborn baby in a room that was dark for the first year of their lives would their eyes stay blue?! Then again sticking them in a dark room for the 1st year might make them psychologically/physically weak anyway! Just a thought...
well my eyes are blue.. dunno if i would describe myself as psychologically weak though. i'm attracted to people with dark brown eyes usually.
Reply 6
Yeah, that is rather interesting. I'd agree with you perhaps on opposite attracting eye colours; but probably not on people with blue eyes being pyschologically weaker; as the example you gave for this was alcoholism, and this, in itself, is not dependant on how weak the individual is.

I personally have hazel eyes (leaning towards brown) and I guess if I'd choose I would have to say that blue eyes are preferable, and thus I would conform to the opposite-attracting theory. However, I like most eye colours; I think eyes, in themselves, are beautiful, no matter what colour. I really fancy Adam Brody for example and he has brown eyes, and I like green eyes. But yes, I agree that most people seem to say the opposite to their own eyes; but I always thought this was because a majority of people have brown eyes (supposedly), and blue eyes are seen as more exotic, attractive and exciting, and thus the majority (brown eyed dudes) choose blue. *Shrugs*.

my eyes are light brown (diarrhea coloured as some people like to say) and i LOVE blue eyes... i would say i'm quite a strong person, i stand up and admit to my mistakes and i don't let things get to me.

They opposite attract thing is true; eye colour is an indicator that that person's genes are different to yours; so with such a wide selection of genes available to the baby they can take the 'strongest ones'...that sounds a bit rubbish but i didnt do biology so i'm not too sure of the formalities.

Although could you spread your research to green eyed people? and people with hazel eyes?
Reply 8
This is probably one of the most interesting threads on the forum at the moment! I have hazel(ish) eyes and am usually attracted to brown eyed people so I don't know if that helps your investigation. By brown eyed, I mean very dark brown. Perhaps because larger pupils are more attractive (as I read on another thread) perhaps I'm attracted to very dark brown eyes because they give the illusion that the pupils are bigger.

I don't really know anything on the subject as I have only just taken my GCSEs and looked at genetics at a very basic stage but maybe people are attracted to opposite eye colours because they are a clear indictation of a difference in genes. As most species want to have variations in order to adapt the the changing conditions around them, perhaps we have a natural instinct that tells us that someone with the opposite eye colour would make a good mate? (I don't really know what I'm on about - just clutching at straws really :biggrin: !)
Reply 9
i have light blue eyes and i dont really have a preference of eye colour. basically it doesnt really matter that much :biggrin:

can you elaborate more on the "weakness" of those with blue eyes? (dont worry if you think you'll sound offensive towards blue eyed people. im just curious)
Reply 10
The first evidence for the actual number of men who weren't the biological fathers of what they thought were their children came from comparisons of eye colour. A pretty important influence on life, I'd have thought.
Reply 11
But here is one question then, why do almost all children born with blue eyes, and just after a few months the color changes or not. Is it because in theory all newborns are really weak, psychologically and physically? And then, after a few month, when probably it is well seen what kind of personality will have a child the color changes or not. But as we also know, we get the color of the eyes is in our genes. So it a question, why it changes and why children do not born with dark eyes. So it is unknown.

And there was me thinking it was just about pigmentation expression changing :rolleyes:
Reply 12
i have brown eyes but find brown eyed women attractive, though i stop sometimes and look at blue eyed women. Otherwise this was a great read. WEllp, you can always move to the US and continue your work there... i think.
Reply 13
Eeeep well I've got greeny blue eyes and blonde hair and I'm usually attracted to guys with either blue or green eyes and definitely blonde hair!

But it looks like I'm an exception to the rule...

Very interesting theory btw!
Reply 14
I have blue eyes and I find blue eyes in a man more attractive than any other coloured eyes. Your research is interesting and certainly poses some good questions but I agree that there could be more evidence. I think I am psycologically/physically strong and I have blue eyes......guess I'm just an exception!
very interesting article. i must say that as a blue eyed boy im most attracting to blue eyed girls although dark eyes are mysterious in a way.
Reply 16
I have to say as someone with more scientific background than most people who've replied so far, I'm somewhat more sceptical.
Reply 17
It was an interesting read but if it is supposed to be a scientific dissertation you need to look through some templates.

Also it is not actually chromosomes that define the eye colour. It is genes. I also think blue eyes were the recessive gene not quite sure I am certain any biologist can take you through this quite easily.

Before making such a project out of this you really need to do a lot more research. You should have easily been able to find, on the net, how eye colour is defined and such. This should have been done before writing this piece and questioning people as you might very well be wasting your time. However it is good that you have an interest in this.

How old are you by the way, I might be out of line? =)

From the other thread
Reply 18
I posted this already in your other thread..

I seriously doubt there is any correlation with eye colour and personality, just like skin/hair colour.

It is only one gene which determines what colour eyes you will have.
All new born babies have blue eyes, and out of the most popular colours, brown is dominiant gene and blue is recessive. So if someone gets both blue and brown genes from either parent, they will have brown eyes. Only if they get two blue genes will they keep their blue eyes. Dunno how the other colours come in to play though!
I pretty sure this is correct, it has been a while since i done biology!
OK, i was sort of resisting doing this because i think it's great that someone so young has an interest in science. I know i always did.
But heres my take...

"I got that there must be a special set of chromosomes for people with blue eyes and dark eyes. And actually this set differs."
-Actually the chromosome is the same - the chromosomes has hundreds of genes on. Its literally just one gene on one chromosome that determines colour of the eyes.

"93 people told that they were attracted to people with the opposite color of the eyes"
-Humans are set up to look for people with different genes - like any animal. This is probablary the basis of pheromones, looking for people with certain differences like eye colour etc to ourself. Perhaps thats a different reason for why you are attracted to diff eye colour - it means that person has at least one gene different to you.

" that if the person gets some dots on the eyes it shows 1st that this person is stressed or 2nd that he needs more vitamins, as some scientist says, so there must be some information in the eyes for sure"
-Very true, its entirely possible that like with the bottle of mans sweat the eyes have hidden little things that we can pick up unconsciously.

"I also wanted to note, that from my observation, I strongly believe that people with blue eyes or just light eyes are psychologically weaker, then dark eyed people. I have noticed that 98% of alcoholics that I saw had light blue eyes"

-I think you would be wise to repeat your study with more people. If you have 100 people in your study, and of those 30% have brown eyes, and 70% have blue eyes, and in the entire group you have 4 alcoholics, 3 with blue eyes, one with brown...

WEll lets just say its very easy to get massively errant percentages/numbers like this in small studies. The massive leap of faith you then do

"Probably it all goes from genetics, though I still don’t know how it works; in genetics brown is dominant over blue"

You make a language assumption. Because dominant in english basically also means more strong, powerful, better etc you think the same about genes. In genes it doesn't have this connotation - it just means it has an ickle bit of code meaning it is used rather than the other gene. Some dominant genes are worse than recessive genes. Like the dominant gene that causes huntingdons chorea.
Also note that we have had eye colour for many millenia - if blue was soooo bad do you not think it would have been selected out?

"why do almost all children born with blue eyes, and just after a few months the color changes or not. Is it because in theory all newborns are really weak"
-No its about melanin production - the same pigment that gives your skin colour. the same pigment that is overproduced in moles (which makes them look darker to your skin) also gives our eyes their colour.
The level of melanin expression in us all is different - it is controlled by many genes. for that reason there are many shades of blue, brown, green etc. In people with rampant melanin production their eyes can go REALLY dark infact.
The reason babies eyes often start pale/blue is because thats sort of the default. Then their pigment production starts after about 6 months (upto 2 years of age) and their eyes take on the colour they will have for the rest of their life.

Hope this...critique has been helpful. Wouldn't want you to go out on a limb at the level of university (or even newspaper!) and get shreded.