Before I will start explaining my idea I want you to remember you that there is an exception to every rule.
And for now my first question for you will be “What color of the eyes do you like most?”
When I studied biology in school and we were studying the structure of DNA and genetics, I got that there must be a special set of chromosomes for people with blue eyes and dark eyes. And actually this set differs. So people with light color of eyes have one set of chromosomes and dark eyed people have another.
Then, I have noticed, that people with blue eyes liked people with dark eyes and the opposite, then I was wondering if it was just a coincidence or there was something in it. So I made a formal test and asked about 100 people about what color of the eyes do they have and what color of the eyes they like in the opposite sex. The result was surprising, - 93 people told that they were attracted to people with the opposite color of the eyes. And it was obvious for me that there was something in it. Sure, I had to question more than 100 people but just this was possible for me for that time.
Then I started to think why it is so? And after some time I got the supposition. I remembered from physics that magnets work just if you put plus and minus, right? Then, I remembered that people also instinctually pay attention on the smell that the other people have, that the smell brings us some information about the person. And we actually get this information instinctually (mostly about health) and are or not attracted to the person, instinctually thinking about getting future child from this person (And I remember this test, that you, Mr. Winston, did with women who had to smell men’s t- shirts from the bottle). So, I suppose that there probably is some genetic information in our eyes as well that we can read (also note, that the tracery on the iris in every eye is different like the tracery on hands of every person is unique, and it is also well known, for example, that if the person gets some dots on the eyes it shows 1st that this person is stressed or 2nd that he needs more vitamins, as some scientist says, so there must be some information in the eyes for sure.) I think that people can read this information instinctually, we don’t think about it, but mostly we are attracted to people with the opposite color of the eyes, it is like with the smell, and perhaps people are attracted to people with the opposite color of the eye because thanks to this information that we get we can see that, if we will be with this person it can give a good genetic to a future child? I don’t know if it is so, or not, but I am sure that there is something in it. To know that we need to do some genetic tests, to prove it experimentally.
I also wanted to note, that from my observation, I strongly believe that people with blue eyes or just light eyes are psychologically weaker, then dark eyed people. I have noticed that 98% of alcoholics that I saw had light blue eyes. Probably it all goes from genetics, though I still don’t know how it works; in genetics brown is dominant over blue. And about the genetic side of the eye color you can read actually here here is one question then, why do almost all children born with blue eyes, and just after a few months the color changes or not. Is it because in theory all newborns are really weak, psychologically and physically? And then, after a few month, when probably it is well seen what kind of personality will have a child the color changes or not. But as we also know, we get the color of the eyes is in our genes. So it a question, why it changes and why children do not born with dark eyes. So it is unknown.
Sure this is just a theory, and it can be proved or disproved. For sure I would have to work out many details.
But from this that I have I can make a conclusion that with the tracery on the iris of the eye we can instinctually read the genetic information and we are attracted to the person with the opposite color of the eye, because probably it can influence the genetic of a future child.
It was published in one local newspaper and I met one scientist who suggested me to try to prove it in the Petrozavodsk Scientist University, but as you know, Russia is a very bureaucratic country and there also were no money for this. So, it was left just a theory.