I'm planning on applying for Geography for 2006 entry, as I only got offers from Holloway and Manchester and East Anglia (because my tutors gave me unrealistically low predicted grades and refused to budge) on BCC predictions. However, I anticipate that I will receieve ABC or there-abouts, so obviously I decided to take a year out, do something interesting abroad etc. I will be applying next year.
I am really interested in globalization/economic geography/ etc. However, my A-Levels are Geography, Math and German, so there is no Economics. Of course, Math would be useful (I expect a B) but obviously no substitute for Economics.
So, I am interested in taking a Geog-Econ course, as many aspects of some Geog BA courses are somewhat unappealing (also in their nature that often include BSc elements) due to aspects of Urban Planning, Populations etc. I couldnt find anybody who had discussed such a possibility, although I know a few members are doing this choice. I am particularly attracted to the LSE course (I like London, LSE looks good (being as I'm from abroad but a UK Citizen)) because its from LSE, so the Economics side should be good, LSE got such a high rating in Geography (second to Cambridge? in Guardian) and because the entry grades are modest (BBB). I phoned LSE and I know that they generally find most of the candidates achieve at least ABB, but still I am confident I could get onto the course (3*s(inc math+geog), 6as and a b at GCSE)).
Are there any other similar courses? (UCL one requires an A at A-Level in Math, unlikely I'm to achieve) Is the LSE one any good? Should I just apply for BA Geog (at UCL, Durham for a laugh, LSE etc.) and then specify in the last years?
Sorry for a long first post