The Student Room Group

Geography with Economics


I'm planning on applying for Geography for 2006 entry, as I only got offers from Holloway and Manchester and East Anglia (because my tutors gave me unrealistically low predicted grades and refused to budge) on BCC predictions. However, I anticipate that I will receieve ABC or there-abouts, so obviously I decided to take a year out, do something interesting abroad etc. I will be applying next year.

I am really interested in globalization/economic geography/ etc. However, my A-Levels are Geography, Math and German, so there is no Economics. Of course, Math would be useful (I expect a B) but obviously no substitute for Economics.

So, I am interested in taking a Geog-Econ course, as many aspects of some Geog BA courses are somewhat unappealing (also in their nature that often include BSc elements) due to aspects of Urban Planning, Populations etc. I couldnt find anybody who had discussed such a possibility, although I know a few members are doing this choice. I am particularly attracted to the LSE course (I like London, LSE looks good (being as I'm from abroad but a UK Citizen)) because its from LSE, so the Economics side should be good, LSE got such a high rating in Geography (second to Cambridge? in Guardian) and because the entry grades are modest (BBB). I phoned LSE and I know that they generally find most of the candidates achieve at least ABB, but still I am confident I could get onto the course (3*s(inc math+geog), 6as and a b at GCSE)).

Are there any other similar courses? (UCL one requires an A at A-Level in Math, unlikely I'm to achieve) Is the LSE one any good? Should I just apply for BA Geog (at UCL, Durham for a laugh, LSE etc.) and then specify in the last years?

Sorry for a long first post :confused:
Reply 1
If you never apply then you never know. I'm pretty sure that Economics A Level isn't required for an Economics degree, but maths is. I think your first couple of choices should be the combined course, and then the lower ones for the Geography. Check the entrance requirements. Is there any chance you could do an Economics AS during the gap year?

I'm planning on applying for Geography for 2006 entry, as I only got offers from Holloway and Manchester and East Anglia (because my tutors gave me unrealistically low predicted grades and refused to budge) on BCC predictions. However, I anticipate that I will receieve ABC or there-abouts, so obviously I decided to take a year out, do something interesting abroad etc. I will be applying next year.

I am really interested in globalization/economic geography/ etc. However, my A-Levels are Geography, Math and German, so there is no Economics. Of course, Math would be useful (I expect a B) but obviously no substitute for Economics.

So, I am interested in taking a Geog-Econ course, as many aspects of some Geog BA courses are somewhat unappealing (also in their nature that often include BSc elements) due to aspects of Urban Planning, Populations etc. I couldnt find anybody who had discussed such a possibility, although I know a few members are doing this choice. I am particularly attracted to the LSE course (I like London, LSE looks good (being as I'm from abroad but a UK Citizen)) because its from LSE, so the Economics side should be good, LSE got such a high rating in Geography (second to Cambridge? in Guardian) and because the entry grades are modest (BBB). I phoned LSE and I know that they generally find most of the candidates achieve at least ABB, but still I am confident I could get onto the course (3*s(inc math+geog), 6as and a b at GCSE)).

Are there any other similar courses? (UCL one requires an A at A-Level in Math, unlikely I'm to achieve) Is the LSE one any good? Should I just apply for BA Geog (at UCL, Durham for a laugh, LSE etc.) and then specify in the last years?

Sorry for a long first post :confused:

Yeh I was considering a similar combination but economics AND geography

I'm pretty sure that you'll have no problem without economics, but the maths is essential for top unis.

I know the St. Andrews & Edinburgh do your course
Reply 3
I couldnt find the Geography + Economics degree you were talking about at St. Andrews, and the Edinburgh course is only a Masters Degree.

I suppose I'll just have to keep my fingers crossed about my Maths A-Level results.

I was thinking about doing an Economics AS, tho I have already many plans for working abroad during the gap year. I dont want to have to go to college for a few months, especially if its not really required. I suppose I'll just keep reading all these books.
Leeds offers a Geography and Economics joint honours degree. Entry requirements are BBB at A Level, and in terms of Maths you only need an A at GCSE. Click here. :smile:
Reply 5
Try PMing Quiksilver. I'm not sure how often he comes on here anymore, but he does Geog and Econ joint honours :smile:
Reply 6
I've also found that UCL does Economics with Geography. It looks very interesting altho quite competitive (A at Math A-Level req.).

Have to wait till results day to start planning I suppose.
Reply 7
oooo i was looking at economics with geography too, its a shame LSE n UCL both need an A in maths. Do any of u guys know if it is ok to apply for nearly totally diffrent courses e.g. PPE / Geog with economics on the same Personal statement??
Reply 8
I think that would be ok although you would have to carefully word it. I would try getting better advice in the Personal Statement Sub-Forum, or PM someone here. I'm sure someone offers to 'vet' ps's.

LSE doesnt state you need an A in maths.

It says u should have taken Math to A-Level, and also should have an A at GCSE.


doesnt it?
Reply 9
yeah i think u are rightm my mistake , neverthe less i dont have maths A-level but i do have maths A* GCSE and some v. good 300/300 economics and 299/300 geography AS results, still oh well i cant apply there. booooooooooooooooooooooo

if any1 would be willing to have a look over my ps i would be v. greatfull!!

thanks loads