The Student Room Group
Does anyone else suffer from SAD? I get awfully tired for few weeks in September and all I wanna do is sleep.

I don't know anything about it but the acronym is perfect.

Does anyone else suffer from SAD? I get awfully tired for few weeks in September and all I wanna do is sleep.

my mum and sister suffers from mum gets in a bad mood when its becomes winter my sister is the opposite she is affected by it during the summer :frown: xoxo
Reply 3
I know i definately dont feel as good during the winter. I think its a lot to do with the light. It gets a bit depressing when its dark as you go to work and dark when you leave..
Reply 4
My boyfriend suffers from it pretty badly, but i reckon its one of those things where doctors/psychologists feel they have to give it a name.
Reply 5
If i did suffer from it, i think i'd suffer most of the year *looks at the window at the rain* :rolleyes:
Reply 6
Yeah, I hate the winter, I'm much more energetic and happier in the Summer! Definately my favourite season!! :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
My Mum has had it really badly for the last six years. She can be absolutely fine in the summer, but as soon as October/November rolls around she's lost in depression. For four years running she was absent from work for six months because of it.. it's serious stuff! There are lots of things you can do to try and help it; like you can synthesise the sun by buying a special lamp thing although that didn't work for my Mum. Most of my friends have never heard of it and it's hardly ever reported in the media, which is a shame because there are probably a lot of depressed people out there who can't find the route of their problem.
Reply 8
I think I suffer from it. :frown:
Have you tried to get help? It's really important to.
i didnt realise you could get it in the summer i hate the sun i love autumn and winter where you can wear big jumpers and stay in without anyone saying your boring
Reply 11
I prefer autumn/winter :eek:
Reply 12
i always is boring and cold. hate winter and its cold winds
Reply 13
This kind of thread just makes me feel even more apathy towards these 'modern' diseases. Everybody gets dreary in winter don't they and are happier in summer.

Whenever a new problem like 'comes out' or is recognised', lots of people jump on this bandwagon and now they've got an excuse for their laziness or bad attitudes or just say they've got it and are surrounded by sympathisers who offer a shoulder to cry on etc etc...
I get more depressed in the summer.

anyway, for those that are affected by winter, and feel perky during summer, there are lighting solutions. Not too sure on the details though.
Reply 15
This kind of thread just makes me feel even more apathy towards these 'modern' diseases. Everybody gets dreary in winter don't they and are happier in summer.

Whenever a new problem like 'comes out' or is recognised', lots of people jump on this bandwagon and now they've got an excuse for their laziness or bad attitudes or just say they've got it and are surrounded by sympathisers who offer a shoulder to cry on etc etc...

I don't believe in SAD.
I prefer autumn/winter :eek:

So do I! :eek:
Reply 17
I don't believe in SAD.

There's quite a lot of molecular evidence for a mechanism for SAD outside the usual mumbo jumbo circadian rhythm excuse usually given.

Gene expression can be massively downregulated in SAD-affected peeps in winter and differences in neurotransmitter levels have also been described

There's even genetic evidence that people who suffer from SAD have different versions of signalling molecules compared to those who don't suffer from it.
Reply 18
Reply 19
I am lethargic during the winter months, particularly towards mental tasks. I cannot focus on my schoolwork particualrly well throughout October-January, which should make for a fun start to uni.