The Student Room Group


Are any people here enrolled at gyms (other than uni ones)? The one on our campus has been closed as the buildings are to be demolished so I signed up at a Harpers gym and it's rather disappointing :frown: It's conveniently equipped and it's got a nice sized pool but it's mostly old people :frown:

I was tempted by Fitness First in South Kensington as they were giving us a special offer knowing that our campus no longer had a gym. But it's more expensive and doesn't have a pool...

Anyway, tell me which ones are the best...

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Whats wrong with old people? I'd kill to go to an unintimidating gym like that but my uni one is full of massive MASSIVE blokeys. :eek: ( :biggrin: )
Reply 2
yer i also go to a gym full of old
Reply 3
it is quite boring though.i bet at uni ones there r loads of fit girls,whereas at mine only old
Reply 4
Whats wrong with old people? I'd kill to go to an unintimidating gym like that but my uni one is full of massive MASSIVE blokeys. :eek: ( :biggrin: )

I know what you mean... but the great thing about the uni gyms (not mine though, just full of staff and gay blokes admiring themselves in the mirror :frown: ), are the girls! It's the one motivating thing...
Oh ok, my uni gym is devoid of women, which puts me off, being female and all that. *shrugs*

A decent gym is a cheap, well equiped one in my eyes. :smile:
Reply 6
at uni ones there r loads of fit girls.

Not at the one i go to...then again it is middlesex uni gym! :p:
Reply 7
London? ive trained in muscleworks before.

Nice gym.
Reply 8
Oh ok, my uni gym is devoid of women, which puts me off, being female and all that. *shrugs*

A decent gym is a cheap, well equiped one in my eyes. :smile:

I used to time my arrival in the gym to coincide with the beginning of this fitness class called Psycho Cycle. It was basically 20 really fit girls on exercise bikes wearing tight shorts with their bums in the air for a whole hour :eek:

And when the volleyball girls came in that was cool too :p:
Reply 9
London? ive trained in muscleworks before.

Nice gym.

Thanks... a bit far for me though :frown:
Reply 10
hey dude, this is of interest to me because im hopefully coming to Imperial (i assume youre from Imperial) this year. Soho gyms are a chain in london i dunno how close any of them are to South Kensington

are you living in lond atm, or just going back in sept?
I used to time my arrival in the gym to coincide with the beginning of this fitness class called Psycho Cycle. It was basically 20 really fit girls on exercise bikes wearing tight shorts with their bums in the air for a whole hour

Hahahahah silly ladies, dressed like that I guess they're just asking for it. :wink:

Now for the ladies = I'd suggest joining a boxing club (some pretty nice blokes in most boxing clubs methinx, all broody and solitary) *snigger*
Reply 12
hey dude, this is of interest to me because im hopefully coming to Imperial (i assume youre from Imperial) this year. Soho gyms are a chain in london i dunno how close any of them are to South Kensington

are you living in lond atm, or just going back in sept?

Yes i've heard of Soho Gyms. They have a special summer offer. 60 pounds for 6 weeks or something... but I don't know anyone who goes there and it seems rather basic: just a gym and that's it.
Reply 13
what else are you looking for, ****ing swimming pool and foot massage ****?
Reply 14
You don't like your gym because theres no women there? Oh dear.
Reply 15
You don't like your gym because theres no women there? Oh dear.

That's right... :biggrin: My uni gym was bad enough but this one is full of even older people.
I guess I probably would like something a bit fancier, I've seen the Fitness First gyms in Acton and it looks a lot nicer.
Reply 16
I've never gone to a gym that has women in, its pretty strange really, well I joined a "fancy" gym last year at Uni cuz it was near to where I lived, only went there about 30 times despite paying £40 a month for membership, awful place!
Reply 17
I've never gone to a gym that has women in, its pretty strange really, well I joined a "fancy" gym last year at Uni cuz it was near to where I lived, only went there about 30 times despite paying £40 a month for membership, awful place!

but full of nice women right? :p:

40 pounds isn't that bad if there's no joining fee... Fitness First is like 45 pounds plus a joining fee that's probably about the same amount too.
Reply 18
Are any people here enrolled at gyms (other than uni ones)? The one on our campus has been closed as the buildings are to be demolished so I signed up at a Harpers gym and it's rather disappointing :frown: It's conveniently equipped and it's got a nice sized pool but it's mostly old people :frown:

I was tempted by Fitness First in South Kensington as they were giving us a special offer knowing that our campus no longer had a gym. But it's more expensive and doesn't have a pool...

Anyway, tell me which ones are the best...

David Lloyds ontop of the Sainsbury's near Gloucester Rd tube. That's where I'm joining. No idea about pool though. Isnt there a ULU pool btw?

Anyway I hated southside temp gym personally, it was manky inside and too many deprived IC geeks kept staring me up through the glass when i was on the exercise bike! Bring on the new gym.
Whats wrong with old people?

They smell putrid and are generally incontinent.