Sat night was a very weird night for me. for the first time in my life i went out in london. anyway we ended up in a club called oxygen. unlike any other club i'd ever been in, and trust me i've been in a few. anyway as i walked in a girl grabbed me and we started to dance, as the night went on at some point i ended up dancing with a girl who later on i found out was from scotland but lived in Bath (UK). anyway she was with some old guy and i was with this other girl but there was nothing going on between me and the girl and i'm assuming the same with the girl from Bath. we danced to the song ' i wanna be everywhere with you ' and she was looking in my eyes when she was singing it. i instantly fell for her. but because she was with the guy i didn't do nothing about it, and hate myself for it now. anyway i'm planning a trip to bath on my next few days off, any ideas on how i might find her? i don't even know her name.