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Reply 1
A good sensible diet, getting nutrients from food rather than pills is definintely the way forwards!
Reply 2
Calicum, aka dairy products, you need to drink more milk, however be careful cos of the fat content, go for skimmed or semi-skimmed, it has a lower fat content.
Reply 3
Let the myths begin!

It's highly unlikely you will be deficient in calcium (noticed a mass of broken bones lately?).

Hair and nail status are good indicators of general health - there is no quick fix, sorting your diet out is the only way to gain what you're looking for
Reply 4
Here's an interesting article from The Times:,,8126-1698878,00.html
Reply 5
In addition to checking you have enough zinc in your diet as Fluffy's pointed out above.....on the "cosmetic" front, you can get some cream called Nu Nail (small pink/white tube which you can buy from places like Boots) which I know my mum finds great for helping her nails grow stronger. The only downside to the product is it contains Lanolin (from Whale) which I appreciate a lot of people aren't comfortable using.
Reply 6
Here's an interesting article from The Times:,,8126-1698878,00.html

Great article :eek: I have little white flecks on my nails though
Reply 7
Great article :eek: I have little white flecks on my nails though

You've probably knocked your nail beds.
Reply 8
i heard something on tv, not having enough sun can damage bones.. I think it was something along the lines people who stay in doors when the sun is out, can be prone to bone problems later in life, compaired to people who sit out in the sun(not nessecarly direct sunlight). I know when i go abroad and sit out in the sun, my nails seem to grow faster than on dull wet summer days. Some kind of chemical reaction aborbing through the skin.
Reply 9
I've started going on the beds a lot, is that the same as the sun?
Reply 10
i doubt it.. you get some sort of vitamins from the sun, i dont think you'd get it from artifical means. im going to try and find the info what vitamins and how to get it.
Reply 11
Well ive had a look around and its called the Sunshine vitamin aka vitamin D, its a vitamin which increases the amount of calcium that can be absorbed by the body and the absorbion rate, how quick is get stored up. It probabily wont cure your nails, since there is apparently not alot of calcium in your nails but it wont do you any harm. They say 5 to 15 mins exposure to the sun with sunblock, because we dont want to increase the risk of skin cancer, so i guess sunbeds dont work.
Reply 12
Great article :eek: I have little white flecks on my nails though

I get those! Or got them. They've gone away for the time being. To be honest, I cannot remember which combination of vitamins got them to go, or if I started eating something different :confused:. Anyway! I thought that it might be iron deficiency, so took a vitamin tablet every day. There's this stuff called Seven Seas, too and it tastes foul (it's bright green and tastes a bit like oranges...but wrong) but it has lots of vitamin supplements and usually makes me feel a bit more energetic when I'm run down.
Reply 13
ive got grey hair and im still 18 now im thinking if its because of some defficiency or not. As far as my GP's concerned im healthy. makes me think, hmmmmmmmmmm
Reply 14
SuperOne Multivits from H+B. Best all round tablet.
You should drink lots of skim milk anyway cus its rich in quality natural proteins and low in fat.
Lots of veg gives a good vitamin spectrum as well.
Reply 15
I've started going on the beds a lot, is that the same as the sun?

You'll have nice hair and nails cancer..well done.
Reply 16
You'll have nice hair and nails cancer..well done.

i think people take the risks too seriously.
Reply 17
I think people don't take the risks seriously enough.
Reply 18
i think people take the risks too seriously.


Tell that to this girls parents:
Reply 19
i take skin cancer very seriously now.. i had a scare last summer and i had to have a bit of my shoulder removed and biopsed(sp).. it came back clear, but i was warned that i was at risk especially after having one mole removed even though it was clear.