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Something "jumps" in my knee when I flex it

DISCLAIMER: I do not intend to use advice obtained on TSR as a substitute for the professional opinion of a physician. I will not treat the advice obtained here as immutable fact and do not expect TSR to fix my medical issues. I just want to find out if anyone has had comparable issues in theh past. I would therefore appreciate if people could refrain from the usual "go see a doctor", "how are we supposed to know? See your GP" type posts.

So when I put weight on my right knee and flex it (eg when performing a squat or carrying something down stairs) something sort of pops and jumps on the outside of my knee (well above the meniscus). This is not painful, but I can feel it in the knee, I can feel something moving if I put a finger on my knee while squatting, and you can actually see something twitch under the skin when this happens. As a naive guess it feels like some kind of tendon is jumping in and out of place so to speak. As said this is painless (just feels weird) but the more I do it the more of feeling of tightness I get around the knee cap afterwards. Has anyone had any similar problems, or care to hazard a guess what might be going on?

is it your kneecap? :P
Reply 2
is it your kneecap? :P

No, but it feels like something that connects to the knee cap.
Reply 3
Its called your patella, dear. aka Kneecap (and attaching ligaments).

If not.... then it could be a hernia of your synovial capsule. See a physio - your GP will likely ignore it.
Reply 4
DISCLAIMER: I do not intend to use advice obtained on TSR as a substitute for the professional opinion of a physician. I will not treat the advice obtained here as immutable fact and do not expect TSR to fix my medical issues. I just want to find out if anyone has had comparable issues in theh past. I would therefore appreciate if people could refrain from the usual "go see a doctor", "how are we supposed to know? See your GP" type posts.

So when I put weight on my right knee and flex it (eg when performing a squat or carrying something down stairs) something sort of pops and jumps on the outside of my knee (well above the meniscus). This is not painful, but I can feel it in the knee, I can feel something moving if I put a finger on my knee while squatting, and you can actually see something twitch under the skin when this happens. As a naive guess it feels like some kind of tendon is jumping in and out of place so to speak. As said this is painless (just feels weird) but the more I do it the more of feeling of tightness I get around the knee cap afterwards. Has anyone had any similar problems, or care to hazard a guess what might be going on?


Could be your medial collateral lig. or your vastus lateralis might have more ('earlier starting') tendon than usual. I wouldn't be too concerned at the moment if it's not painful, if your knee does not lock or give way, if it hasn't swelled up and if you can still move it the range you could before (if any of these things start, then see a physio). Have you recently started gymming, changed your exercise, stepped up your routine or are recovering from injury/time off? If yes to any of these, I expect it's just your body adjusting to something new and it will go away soon. If no, definitely keep a watchful eye (ear!) on things and make sure you stretch before exercising.
Reply 5
I used to have this problem, it went away though, haven't experienced the sensation in years. Felt like a throbbing at the time and you could see a bump.
Reply 6
I jus started having the same feeling in my knee last night and its kinda been on my mind all day if it will turn into something serious.. but like you said it doesnt hurt at all jus feels really weird.. did it ever go away??
Well i have same issue.. but it hurts.. i can walk but i cant fully extend my leg.. when i sit and suddenly stand up.. i feel another swaping of a muscle in my knee.. then am ok.. i can straigthen my leg.. walk jump.. and even run.. it is very annoying.. can someone help me find out what type of knee injury am suffering from, please..? Am have been priviously been injured 2 years ago.. but never had this symptom..
I have the exact same thing happening in my left knee. I dislocated my kneecap about 2 years ago and decided not to go to the doctor before it was too late,(yes ik I’m stupid) and they pretty much said that without surgery they couldn’t do a whole lot about it. At the time it was just pain because it was still healing, but since then my knee has made a crunching sound when I squat down. It usually isn’t very painful only slightly but sometimes it feels like I just got a bowling ball in the knee. Recently it started doing the jumping thing and holy **** it’s painful. Like nothing I’ve felt since it was dislocated. I don’t want to go to the doctor because surgery is expensive but if it doesn’t go away I might have to.