DISCLAIMER: I do not intend to use advice obtained on TSR as a substitute for the professional opinion of a physician. I will not treat the advice obtained here as immutable fact and do not expect TSR to fix my medical issues. I just want to find out if anyone has had comparable issues in theh past. I would therefore appreciate if people could refrain from the usual "go see a doctor", "how are we supposed to know? See your GP" type posts.
So when I put weight on my right knee and flex it (eg when performing a squat or carrying something down stairs) something sort of pops and jumps on the outside of my knee (well above the meniscus). This is not painful, but I can feel it in the knee, I can feel something moving if I put a finger on my knee while squatting, and you can actually see something twitch under the skin when this happens. As a naive guess it feels like some kind of tendon is jumping in and out of place so to speak. As said this is painless (just feels weird) but the more I do it the more of feeling of tightness I get around the knee cap afterwards. Has anyone had any similar problems, or care to hazard a guess what might be going on?