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In my experience people from the North East are some of the friendliest and most welcoming people around; I doubt you are going to be abused on the street (I can't think of anywhere you would be in England tbh).
Reply 2
Shouldent experiance any Racism at all, in fact there are a number of University and Non Secular groups which have been set up as a place of interaction for the large ammount of International students Sunderland Uni get's.

They have a large and friendly membership
Reply 3
I saw a hispanic bloke get called a pakky in Sunderland.
Reply 4
I was born and live in Sunderland, we have a lot of international students and I think yes many years ago it was very racist however i think there's a little chance you'll experience any racism now!
Reply 5
Do you think? I think the more into S/Land you get the more racist it becomes... just thinking of the bus journey tbh. If you start off in Newcastle by the time you're half way there the dole kids, teenage mothers and drug addicts seem to get on. Not saying all of them are racist but there seems to be correlation between them and racism. Of course I'm sure you wont get any, I'm just not sure why you'd want to go to S/land. The nightlife is awful, full of fifteen year olds and the accents aren't too pretty either.

In saying that however you probably will face as much racism in Sunderland as you would in all of the UK, only from the ignorant prats and to be fair their opinion isn't important anyway.
Reply 6
if you start off in Newcastle by the time you're half way there the dole kids, teenage mothers and drug addicts seem to get on. Not saying all of them are racist but there seems to be correlation between them and racism. Of course I'm sure you wont get any, I'm just not sure why you'd want to go to S/land. The nightlife is awful, full of fifteen year olds and the accents aren't too pretty either.

I don't feel this is a true representation of the city at all, if you chose you use public transport in any city in the UK it will be like that. As for the nightlife.. Newcastle is probably better but S/Land isn't that bad!
Reply 7
Yeah okay, I'm just turned nineteen and I was the oldest person out last time I went to S/land.
Reply 8
During the week, especially a monday night yes its full of kids. but on a weekend it isn't :smile: x
Reply 9
I was speaking to my friend from Sunderland today and I told her I got an offer for Westy and the convo went on:
her: that's in London
me: Yep
her: London's full of black people
Me: So?
Her: So that's a bad thing
Me: You're so racist, you should be kicked out the country
Her: No, I'm white, I deserve to be here.

Reply 10
Some people really are small-minded in my opinion! I can't believe there are still people with these views!
I'm an American student who is half-indian and half-caucasion. I'm planning on studying abroad at Sunderland University. How much racism should I expect?

I would say none. Seriously, the vast majority of people don't care one way or another what colour you are and there are huge numbers of people from everywhere under the sun in Sunderland. It should really be the least of your worries!
Reply 12
There are Racist's in small ammounts everywhere you go , England is going through the middle of a huge Cultural identity crisis and there are always small pockets of bad eggs, the same way I as a white man Get abuse walking through Jewish or Asian areas of Sunderland/Newcastle.

Also I disagree, Sunderland Night life is top notch, the best ive experienced compared to Newcastle/Durham/Middlesbrough/Leeds/Portsmouth
Reply 13
Original post by 007Katrina
I'm an American student who is half-indian and half-caucasion. I'm planning on studying abroad at Sunderland University. How much racism should I expect?

Hey just saw ur Post, Im at Sunderland Uni atm. Im 4m London but have Indian roots.
Thought since we're both at the same Uni, it'd be good to catch up.

Hit me Up when u receive this mssg.

My email is: [email protected]

You're american and you're worrying about racism in the uk lol are you serious?
(edited 14 years ago)
No you won't get any racist abuse, as has been said the only people who do make racist remarks are those who are not worth listening to, they are the doleys by choice, not circumstance.

Decent city, not a nice as Newcastle, but much better football :wink: (or soccer for you).
Reply 16
Original post by Carter BSc
Decent city, not a nice as Newcastle, but much better football :wink: (or soccer for you).


No, I'm not a Newcastle (United) fan :p:
Original post by Carter BSc

Decent city, not a nice as Newcastle, but much better football :wink: (or soccer for you).

Much better at football. 5 - 1, good sir, 5 - 1.
Original post by TheGrandmaster
Much better at football. 5 - 1, good sir, 5 - 1.

Hahaha I knew this would bite me in the arse.

That wasn't even the worst bit, the bar I was in, two Sunderland fans started scrapping, I took that as my leave...
Half of my family are gutted and the other half are dancing in the streets! Can't wait to get to work tomorrow as all the talk for the past week has been about the Derby game. Guess they won't be so vocal about it tomorrow!