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Worried about my friend

My best mate is going out with this very strange guy. He's my ex boyfriend's twin brother, and the whole family is VERY strange. Anyway, she was telling me today that the other week she was really drunk (so that she could hardly stand) and ended up staying at his house.
She said she couldn't remember the evening at all, and had to ask him if they'd had sex, and if so, if they'd used protection and stuff. He said they did.
I'm a bit concerned about her coz I think he was wrong to sleep with her when she was in that state, and he wans't really very drunk. Also, I split up with his twin coz he tried to force himself on me, and has subsequently done it to a few others.
Think I've got reason to worry? and if so, should I say anything to her?
Reply 1
it does sound very suspcious.. The question is do you think hes the kind of guy who would get someone drunk just to sleep with him or was it just a result of a good night out.

I would'nt like to be your friends position, its very worrying what lengths people will go to get a shag.
Reply 2
I think she only knows what happened. If she felt uncomfortable about the situation then perhaps she shouldn't have been drunk alone with him. Does she feel comfortable around him in other circumstances? You say he wasn't really very drunk but they had both been drinking and to be honest alcohol has an adverse effect on the best of us. I think you should see how she feels but not tar your ex's brother with the same brush just yet.

i'd say yes, most men (if less drunk, and certainly if sober) wouldn't have sex with a girl if she was drunk. i think your friend needs to be more careful around this guy, and also make it clar to him that it's not to happen again. He should respect that. Is your friend on the pill? If not i'd get her to do a test just to be on the safe side. You're a good friend looking out for her, and maybe she might not appricate your advice but she needs to be warned and made clear that she could be putting herself in a dangerous situation.
Reply 4
You are right to be worried about your friend, anyone in your situation would be. I think you should talk to her and explain how you feel, explain what happened to you if she doesnt know already. It will be up to her whether or not she decides to stay with him or not, ultimately it is her decision and you will have to respect whatever decision she makes. Talk to her and say how you feel.
I'm not sure about your friend - it does sound dodgy, especially if she was so drunk she couldn't remember and he was relatively sober. Maybe keep a closer eye on her to make sure she's safe, but in the end it's her decision about this guy and there's not much you can do apart from warn her.
Reply 6
Thanks (most of you), I really just wondered if I was looking at it from a biased point of view, but it really does sound dodgy. I think I'l just leave it alone for the minute, but I will keep an eye on her. :ninja:
Reply 7
That girl has been banned so I'd just ignore her.
Reply 8
That girl has been banned so I'd just ignore her.

Shame it wore off...
Reply 9
Straight Talker has been banned (again).
Reply 10
thinking about it, maybe try to talk to her dont tell her how you think hes sleezy, if i can call him that. But try and get a general feel about how she thinks her relationship is going. I just feel if you jump too far in she might resent you for giving her a bad opinion about him. Be supportive but dont try to influence her, she has to learn even in a discusting situation like this.
Reply 11
thinking about it, maybe try to talk to her dont tell her how you think hes sleezy, if i can call him that. But try and get a general feel about how she thinks her relationship is going. I just feel if you jump too far in she might resent you for giving her a bad opinion about him. Be supportive but dont try to influence her, she has to learn even in a discusting situation like this.

I think she is a bit concerned about it or she wouldn't have brought it up with me. We're pretty close, but she's sometimes a bit shy about talking about things that upset her, which is mainly why i was wondering if i should say something.