The reason I ask is I wanted to know how common it is because I do it all the time, and after typing on websites and stuff (including TSR posts) I always have to double check everything because its nearly always teh instead of the! Its really annoying!
The reason I ask is I wanted to know how common it is because I do it all the time, and after typing on websites and stuff (including TSR posts) I always have to double check everything because its nearly always teh instead of the! Its really annoying!
thats so annoying while im typing the essay...need the spell check to correct it nearly every time
me too with the "sec" "sex" thing. I have an emoticon on MSN that you type "teh" to.. (it's a little laughing face) and it's annoying when halfway through the convo there's a load of laughing emoticons instead of "the" which is annoying when you want to be taken seriously. Oh well
Probably sounds obvious but I type with two hands so t and h are where my two index fingers are. Therefore t and h are the quickest and closest two letters that I can type together.