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Pharmaceutical and Chemical sciences FdSc Kingston UNI

Ive accepted onto this course and wanted to hear from anyone else applying, or anyone currently doing this course at kingston

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Reply 1
I do pharmaceutical science, what dya wanna know?
Reply 2
are u doing the foundation degree at kingston
Reply 3
I do pharmaceutical science, what dya wanna know?

Hey, quick question about KU. Is their alot of asian's? (chinese) in general, and if any do some foundation degrees in science related courses. ^_^
Reply 4
are u doing the foundation degree at kingston

Hey sorry for late reply guys, been rather busy and stuffs.

No, im doing the full degree, not the foundation. Why? The content is similar if that helps, i think the foundation degree just tries to put everyone at the same base for maths, chem and the like.

Hey, quick question about KU. Is their alot of asian's? (chinese) in general, and if any do some foundation degrees in science related courses. ^_^

It is mostly asians if you mean indian and such, although ive seen a fair few orientals too haha. And yes, lots do foundation degrees in science lol :biggrin: I think in my PharmSci class theres about 10 or so orientals if that helps.
Reply 5
It is mostly asians if you mean indian and such, although ive seen a fair few orientals too haha. And yes, lots do foundation degrees in science lol :biggrin: I think in my PharmSci class theres about 10 or so orientals if that helps.

Ah i see, thats amazing. Thx bro !
Im hopefully in september,doing the foundation degree in pharmaceutical and chemical science as well and i was wondering what is the likeliness of transferring to the mpharm course after youve completed this degree, apparently is not that likely
Reply 7
Im hopefully in september,doing the foundation degree in pharmaceutical and chemical science as well and i was wondering what is the likeliness of transferring to the mpharm course after youve completed this degree, apparently is not that likely

Woah, Sorry for late reply dude!

If you really want to know, I wouldnt take this course in the vain hope you can get onto Pharmacy afterwards. Its very possible, but difficult. Kingston require 70%+ in all modules i believe (might be 65% cant remember) in your first year to get into pharmacy in kingston from a different course in the science field. You also will need to apply internally and have an interview and such. Some people i know have transferred to other unis, De Monfort, Hertfordshire and the like, as they required lower entry such as 65%+, still tough to achieve.

Now if you want to transfer to the MPharm course once youve finished your 4/5 yrs of pharmsci, thats possible, but youll need a good degree, probably a 2:1 at least at the end to do it.
Reply 8
Out of curiosity, why are you guys doing the FOUNDATION PharmSci Course? Are you sure your not able to do the full PharmSci course and avoid the foundation year? Id suggest contacting KU and asking if you can do the full course right away if you have the necessary a levels.
Woah, Sorry for late reply dude!

If you really want to know, I wouldnt take this course in the vain hope you can get onto Pharmacy afterwards. Its very possible, but difficult. Kingston require 70%+ in all modules i believe (might be 65% cant remember) in your first year to get into pharmacy in kingston from a different course in the science field. You also will need to apply internally and have an interview and such. Some people i know have transferred to other unis, De Monfort, Hertfordshire and the like, as they required lower entry such as 65%+, still tough to achieve.

Now if you want to transfer to the MPharm course once youve finished your 4/5 yrs of pharmsci, thats possible, but youll need a good degree, probably a 2:1 at least at the end to do it.

thanks, this info makes my choice a lot easier. Because I doubt that I would get 70% in all modules.
Your welcome buddy
Now results have come. Whose still goin Kingston??
Reply 12
Original post by SkySantosh
Woah, Sorry for late reply dude!

If you really want to know, I wouldnt take this course in the vain hope you can get onto Pharmacy afterwards. Its very possible, but difficult. Kingston require 70%+ in all modules i believe (might be 65% cant remember) in your first year to get into pharmacy in kingston from a different course in the science field. You also will need to apply internally and have an interview and such. Some people i know have transferred to other unis, De Monfort, Hertfordshire and the like, as they required lower entry such as 65%+, still tough to achieve.

Now if you want to transfer to the MPharm course once youve finished your 4/5 yrs of pharmsci, thats possible, but youll need a good degree, probably a 2:1 at least at the end to do it.

hey just wanted to know, i got into the foundation year course for pharmacy, what will i need to pass the foundation year in order to gain access into 1st year of pharmacy
Original post by harps007
hey just wanted to know, i got into the foundation year course for pharmacy, what will i need to pass the foundation year in order to gain access into 1st year of pharmacy

If your on the foundation course for pharmacy, i'd imagine all youd need to do is pass, with a reasonable grade to be on the 1st year of the full course.
Reply 14
Hello, i have also applied for the same course :biggrin:
I feel you have to pass the foundation course to get into pharmacy, if you don’t pass it, you go into pharmacology or pharmaceutical science.
Reply 15
hi i am thinking of doing the Pharmaceutical and Chemical Sciences Foundation Degree , did anyone who did this course actually get into pharmacy? and what is the the required standard grades?
hi i am thinking of doing the Pharmaceutical and Chemical Sciences Foundation Degree , did anyone who did this course actually get into pharmacy? and what is the the required standard grades?

Pharmaceutical & Chemical Sciences FdSc
It's a 2 year course.
You just need to get 40% in all the modules to pass the year.
Pass both years and you'll go straight into 2nd year Pharmacy.

I have friends in that course, so that's how I know.

I'm currently doing Pharmaceutical science (just finished my first year).
The modules I did in my course, your course also does (and more).

If you've passed A-Level Maths, Biology and Chemistry (with D at minimum), you should find the foundation modules very simple. Oh and make sure to attend as many lectures & workshops as possible!

They don't count towards your Pharmacy degree, so you don't have to worry that much about getting good marks. However, if you want to get into placement year, you should aim to get 70%+ in all courses. Since you'll probably be at a disadvantage if you apply, as you went through a foundation course, while others went directly into Pharmacy.
(edited 8 years ago)
Thank you for the reply, it has reassured me, I have biology and chemistry and p.e at grade d so I think I should be ok.

Trust me, A-Levels is much harder than Kingston University.
I'd say the difficulty is similar to GCSE. If you can get B at GCSE, you'll be fine with the same amount of effort (at least, for the 2 years during this foundation course).
They'll practically give you the answers during some of the workshop lessons. Additionally, the past papers are extremely similar sometimes with your actual exam (some questions are even identical). So anybody who attends ~95%+ of the lectures & workshops shouldn't fail.
It would be great if Kingston University released some statistics for this foundation course (the pass rate for both the 1st and 2nd year). I'm sure the statistics would back what I'm saying.

Also on the course features it stated I will be working at least 1 day a week in a local pharmacy. Should I start looking for work now or will the university provide me with this?

Look for one yourself now. If you can't find one, then the University will help you out.
"You will be given assistance in finding a placement if you are not already working in such a position when you start the course."

And also after I pass this course will I go through an interview process and apply through ucas or will I go straight into the pharmacy course?

Straight into 2nd year Pharmacy without needing to do an interview. You'll never need to do UCAS again. Everything happens internally within Kingston.
If in doubt, just speak directly to a course director or your personal tutor (either in person or email).

Each year you have to re-enroll on the Kingston OSIS website (they'll email you a link, with specific instructions each year).

As it's your first time enrolling, once you've followed the instructions they'll send by email, you'll have your own Kingston ID. After which you'll need to bring evidence with you (passport/provisional licence/driving licence), when you go and collect your student card.
Once that's done, you'll be able to access the computers on campus and you'll have your own email with that ID. That's the email you should be using for any future Kingston related enquiries.
If you have any questions, the support staff should answer back within 48 hours (you can find out their emails on the Kingston University homepage, after you've logged on).
(edited 8 years ago)
Original post by Durantula

If you really want to know, I wouldnt take this course in the vain hope you can get onto Pharmacy afterwards. Its very possible, but difficult. Kingston require 70%+ in all modules i believe (might be 65% cant remember) in your first year to get into pharmacy in kingston from a different course in the science field. You also will need to apply internally and have an interview and such. Some people i know have transferred to other unis, De Monfort, Hertfordshire and the like, as they required lower entry such as 65%+, still tough to achieve.

You're looking at the wrong course.
What you're referring to is the Science Foundation Year course.

The thread title and what people are referring to clearly indicates:
Pharmaceutical & Chemical Sciences FdSc
"This course is accredited by the General Pharmaceutical Council, to allow graduates who have attained the required standards direct entry to Year 2 of the Master of Pharmacy programme"
I know a few people who have slacked off and barely passed this course (~45%), yet they still went straight into 2nd Year Pharmacy.
(edited 8 years ago)
Reply 19
Is the first year of this course taught at university or merton college(south thames)?

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