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Because Arnold Schwarzenneger is the former strongest man in the world, and Zach Braff is not?

Seriously, get a clue.
Reply 2
Aphotic Cosmos
Because Arnold Schwarzenneger is the former strongest man in the world, and Zach Braff is not?

Seriously, get a clue.

... Yes, because building muscle changes the bone structure of your jaw.
Reply 3
Conclusive proof there.
What has the bone structure of someone's jaw got to do with anything important ever? :confused:
... Yes, because building muscle changes the bone structure of your jaw.

"Chinlessness" is nothing to do with bone structure - it's about how much flesh is present on the lower jaw and how it's distributed.

Someone who lifted weights and worked out for a living is going to be more defined than someone who does not.
Reply 6
wtf is weak chin, never heard that phrase before.

Dunno lol
your right, a lot do have really unsubstantial chins!

Its kinda... But theres nothing wrong with it. Makes them more englishyyy.
It made me go check my chin in the mirror :P
Aphotic Cosmos
"Chinlessness" is nothing to do with bone structure - it's about how much flesh is present on the lower jaw and how it's distributed.

Someone who lifted weights and worked out for a living is going to be more defined than someone who does not.

No, it's literally entirely about bone structure.

Man with muscle and weak chin:

Man without muscle and prominent chin:

Reply 12
Uhhh hello Jimmy Hill?
What has the bone structure of someone's jaw got to do with anything important ever? :confused:

I'm not saying it does or doesn't. I'm just saying "English men seem to often have weak chins"
Reply 14
I love how you assume 'whats his name from scrubs' has british ancestors instead of bothering to google an actual british person :rofl:
I love how you assume 'whats his name from scrubs' has british ancestors instead of bothering to google an actual british person :rofl:

It's just an example - a lot of British guys have that exact type of chin.

Obviously not all, and not everyone who does is British, but the proportion seems pretty damn high.
Reply 16
Weak chin.. or as my friends and I like to refer to it: 'feck'
Reply 17
You are speaking such ******* BS op.
Reply 18
I tried to pursuade my chin to work out more, but it refused point blank.
You are speaking such ******* BS op.

Actually, I'm not.