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Getting GSS funding at the LSE...

Hi Everyone,

I'm hoping to study the MSc in Global Communication at the LSE staring in September 2010. It's one year in London and one year in Shanghai.

Since I'm coming from Melbourne though, I'll be paying in Aussie dollars and even with the GFC the pound is a total killer.

Does anyone have any tips about getting the GSS (Graduate Support Scheme) funding offered by the LSE?

I'm just wandering what to put in my application...

Reply 1
Hello there,

Congrats firstly.

I received 4746 two weeks ago.
This was exactly 80% of what I asked for which is what they seem to give going on other information I've seen.

It is computer automated. I made the application 2 days after my offer and got a response immediately on my lseforyou.

Unless their is some randomness in it, it was those boxes I ticked that meant the computer thought I merited this financial support. Without going into details, I made it clear that I had little/nil funds of my own and without GSS, I would probably not take the offer. Also that I would do everything possible to sustain myself during the year regarding living costs. Remember that GSS goes to your tuition fees first and only surplus goes to you.

I spent days working on the statement which it seems may never be read.

I was delighted at getting this amount and feel quite lucky. However it does worry me that something automated makes these massive funding allocations. Moreover, given that they only check a sample of applications for evidence, the potential for pretending your financial situation is worse than reality is evident.

Be honest and make sure your amounts that you have and you need make sense. I wouldn't give money to somebody who can't figure a budget. Don't ask for a massive amount -they state between 3-10k. Good luck!
Reply 2
It's judged by the computer therefore there must be some setting considering JUST the house income and amount shortfall.
Reply 3
Dineenai I hope to study at LSE (Msc. Finance) bu I wonder about funding. You said that you could get GSS. On the web site, it is written that once you apply for admission for a diploma/master's programme, you will be able to apply to the Graduate Support Scheme online via a link. But I think you apply it after you got an offer. Is it right?

What do you recommend me in order to get this funding? I need your help...
Reply 4
Has somebody gotten up to the point of writing the personal statement for the GSS application? They say it should be within 8000 characters (with spaces) which is approximately 750 words. Now the statement I have come up with is 7904 characters but 1382 words!!!
The application does not save if I exceed the character limit but it is fine with the >750 words.

I am so confused.....any suggestions on how to proceed?
Reply 5
If you get an automatic knockback for GSS , it isn't necessarily because they have run out of funds. It doesn't just depend on financial need but also merit. That's what they told me. The department tells them (guess they must make a list) which students they really want and if they apply and have financial need then they get it. So if it's automatic reply then you probably aren't on that list. the statement isn't the key.
Reply 6
how can you argue that the statement is not the key? If it depends on merit, how do the people at GSS judge it?
Also, does everyone not apply for GSS?
Thirdly, is there a link between the funding and the admission application? they *officially* say the two are uncorrelated
Reply 7
I'm just basing it on the below and the automatic replies which seem to indicate computer generated responses.

some info from an email I received from them last year
here is the quote:

"One aspect of the scheme is the ability of the academic department admitting the applicant to indicate their particular desire to recruit the candidate. This then gives extra weight to the candidate's application for support."

I was also surprised because it said they were uncorrelated.

Also mentioned was the figures, and what they considered mid-range income. So those two factors seemed to be a lot more important than the statement.

It's OK if you don't believe me, I don't care, I just thought I'd pass on the info in case it was of any use to anyone since I fully understand the frustrations of funding a postgraduate degree, particularly at LSE.
Reply 8
What is the thing that you mention about the mid-range income? Are you referring to the amounts you enter for the application?
Did/Are you applying for GSS? What was the experience if you already did? Did you get any support?
Fill me in please. Thanks :smile:
Reply 9
and yes, I plan to believe you :wink:
Basically, this is the internals of the scheme. It does mean that the GSS is not entirely financial need based. The department will only recommend you if you are academically strong. And that means that getting support if you have applied to more popular courses is harder since there is more competition and less chances of being recommended by the department.
I had a friend who got rejected from MSc Finance last year and he says that had he not entered in an unreasonably high figure for financial help, he would have got in. According to him then, asking for aid may even cost you the bloody admission which I feel hard to believe. Anyways, comments?
Reply 10
I thought you apply for funding after they made you an offer?
I'm just basing it on the below and the automatic replies which seem to indicate computer generated responses.

some info from an email I received from them last year
here is the quote:

"One aspect of the scheme is the ability of the academic department admitting the applicant to indicate their particular desire to recruit the candidate. This then gives extra weight to the candidate's application for support."

I was also surprised because it said they were uncorrelated.

Also mentioned was the figures, and what they considered mid-range income. So those two factors seemed to be a lot more important than the statement.

It's OK if you don't believe me, I don't care, I just thought I'd pass on the info in case it was of any use to anyone since I fully understand the frustrations of funding a postgraduate degree, particularly at LSE.

This does seem quite likely actually. If we are to believe that it is all done by a computer then this is the only way to prevent everyone getting funding by lying. Im sure most apply for GSS and state that they need money - who doesn't.

It is officially termed a 'GSS Scholarship' - with the word scholarship being key. It must be needs AND merit oriented. They would not just throw money at everyone and it stands to reason that the best candidates who would not be able to attend otherwise get the money. I assumed when i applied that all personal statements were read and that it was done this way. If it is done automatically, then lists from the departments seems the only way in my view.
Reply 12
This does seem quite likely actually. If we are to believe that it is all done by a computer then this is the only way to prevent everyone getting funding by lying. Im sure most apply for GSS and state that they need money - who doesn't.

It is officially termed a 'GSS Scholarship' - with the word scholarship being key. It must be needs AND merit oriented. They would not just throw money at everyone and it stands to reason that the best candidates who would not be able to attend otherwise get the money. I assumed when i applied that all personal statements were read and that it was done this way. If it is done automatically, then lists from the departments seems the only way in my view.

I agree.
When did you apply Afghani? And what was the outcome?
Reply 13
WOW! Thanks so much for all your help guys!

I had no idea I'd get such a response! I hope it's helpful for some other LSE hopefuls too!

Zoya.Kamel - I'm also writing the statement and I've found 8000 characters certainly does not equate to 750 words! I think as long as you've got less than 8000 characters, the word count won't matter because they were more specific on the character count and just sort of approximating when they mentioned the word count.

Well done on securing funding dineena - though the immediacy of the LSE reply certainly does indicate an automated system and that is somewhat concerning!!

We can only try I guess...

Good luck everyone!!!
Its a total farce and its done randomly, as for merit and people not being able to attend otherwise thats a load of BS. There are plenty of people holding the scholarship who would not bat an eyelid at the course fees and could still attend.

It may be the case there is a list system but I'm fairly sure its executed with an algorithm to make life easier esp when courses receive in excess of 1000 applicants for some courses.
Reply 15
So how good is GSS? I would love to study here, but I am starting to think twice because I do not have £20k to cover the course fees!
Reply 16
This may sound like a stupid question but I have honestly been trying to find the link for the online LSE Graduate Financial Support Application form for ages and keep being redirected to other webpages explaining 'how to apply' without any links to the actual form!! Where is this online form?
Reply 17
Original post by av320
This may sound like a stupid question but I have honestly been trying to find the link for the online LSE Graduate Financial Support Application form for ages and keep being redirected to other webpages explaining 'how to apply' without any links to the actual form!! Where is this online form?

If I remember correctly, it was in my LSE4You account. :smile:

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