The Student Room Group

Should I go to college with diarrhea?

I think I caught some bug yesterday and I **** all night (God that felt good:biggrin: ) and in the morning it became more fluidy. I feel kind of fine now, should I risk going to college? Or will it randomly come up? We have a college trip as well and I really want to go.:frown:
Reply 2
yes go, otherwise you're a panzy.
Imodium. It's all good. :top:
Reply 4
wow, you're a catch!!! :awesome:
Reply 5
yes go, otherwise you're a panzy.

Hmmmm, this is quite convincing. However I think I won't go. BRB COD.
Reply 6
yes. everyone likes the smell mate
Reply 7
if i were you i would wear a nappy or something
If you havent had it in the last 24 hiurs then yes but if you have thrn dont go as its a bactrial infection
Original post by Amzziecookies
If you havent had it in the last 24 hiurs then yes but if you have thrn dont go as its a bactrial infection

Thread necromancy, mate, of 5 years.
Reply 10
Go for it man

This was posted from The Student Room's iPhone/iPad App
Reply 11
No, wait!! Don't go to college today omg
Guys, this was posted in 2010. :facepalm:
if you're sick don't go in simple