The Student Room Group

skater guys; i need your opinion!

My friend has been really bugging me lately. She really likes this guy but hes a skater guy and she is so not a skater girl if you get my drift. I mean, she likes the music but shes not into the whole skater culture.

She really wants this skater guy to notice her but she thinks he won't cos she don't skate. Whats your opinion on girls like this?

I've told her not to change the way she dresses and whatever and just be herself.

So skater guys, what type of girl do you go for? :cool:

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Reply 1
im a skateboarder, to be honest it dont matter what kind of girl she is as logn as shes nice i can only give you one no no. she shoudl never ever ever ask him to teach her to skate or turn up with a board in her hand. it will just be awful. dont change the personality or intrests just to get a date he will respect you more that way
Reply 2
where r u ? Any guy in fact...
Reply 3
if she changes to suit him, he will eventually find out shes fake and acting so he will notice her and then he wont want anything to do with her. It just wont work, she'll be living a lie.
Reply 4
Depends on the guy really, some guys will only go out with girls in there own social group (goth, chav, skater, townie etc etc, kids :rolleyes: ) but some wont care. Then again he might like her but might not go out with your friend because shes not skater and will be worried about what his friends think.

I say go for it, your friend dosent have much to lose :smile:
BUT! be careful since most guys i know who skate are stuck up ******s :rolleyes:
Reply 5
I'd agree-if she changes just so that the guy notices her he will find that she's a fake. I'm a skater and I'm pretty open minded about who I see-obviously you've just got to have a spark; if you don't get on no relationship will work. As for your friend, she shouldn't worry. One of my flatmates ended the year seeing a skater guy from our halls-they seemed be be an odd couple cos we always joke that shes a chav (she isn't really) but she thinks Amarillo is the best song ever, and the skater guy hates that stuff, but they make an ace couple and they get on really well. None of us in the flat saw it coming.
Reply 6
awww thats pretty reassuring. She was pretty worried about the "group" thing.
Reply 7
try listening to avril lavigne "sk8r boi" for advice
Reply 8

I had no idea you skater guys were so nice. When your all there it's like theres a big group meeting and its kinda scary tbh! I think that is what freaks my friend out!
Reply 9
erm don't listen to sk8er boi, pleeeeeease :rolleyes:

If the guy rejects her because of her "social group" he's bound to be pretty shallow and not worth it.
So ask her to go for it!! :smile:
Random One
Reply 10
I was interested to find out the skater stereo type;

I quote off a website; "a load of idiots who dye their hair black, pierce unnatural areas, cuss too much, spit every step.They are losers" I was so offended by this and i'm not even a skater.

I know this is just a steretypical opinion but in general what do you think?
He was a sk8er boiiiiiiiiiiiii, she said see you later boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!

Well tell her to go with him or she'll regret it when he's a sexy rockstar. Seriously, that kind of stuff DOES happen. You should warn your friend. She'll be sitting at home and then she'll see him rocking on MTV and she'll cry. And then you can ring and tell her you're going to see sk8er boi playing a gig and she'll feel really upset. TRUE STORY!!!
Reply 12
i want a sk8er for me now lol . Where are the usual haunts of skaters in the midlands?

Or in general where is she more likely to see him on the weekend?
skate parks :wink: and around sports centres where they have half pipes etc, in the punk rock sections of record shops etc. don't know about midlands, but things like reading festival.
Reply 14
cool...thanks...any other ideas?
She shouldn't of my closest guy mates isn't a skater, but does the whole baggy jeans, playing guitar thingy. Anyway, this girl I know had a crush on him, so decided to reinvent herself to catch his eye, so she became "goth" - dyed her hair black, tried to dress in skater girl type clothing and started listening to Busted. Oh, how we laughed.

Yeah, anyway, changing yourself for a guy just makes you look kinda sad really.
Reply 16
busted? God that was so wrong! She could have at least chose some linkin park! Oh dear...that is so funny its made my day.

I totally agree you should not change yourself otherwise you look silly and fake.
Reply 17
in general where do you dkater guys hang out?
Reply 18
skater...can't spell
in general where do you dkater guys hang out?

The Skate Park i'd imagine