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Reply 1
I thought this thread was about using Dairylea in more ways than on a sandwich... :eek:

How disappointing... :frown:

I haven't a clue, I've never had to go ask for one.
Reply 2
Don't you have to pay for it if you go to the chemist?

Chemist or docotrs - they will know what you are on about, so no worries :-)
Reply 3
Don't you have to pay for it if you go to the chemist?

Chemist or docotrs - they will know what you are on about, so no worries :-)

Reply 4
You can go to fam planning and get it for free or go to the pharmacy and pay.

Just ask for morning after pill.
Reply 5
Mad Vlad
I thought this thread was about using Dairylea in more ways than on a sandwich... :eek:

me too!! :frown:
I thought the title meant to say 'chess' before I looked at the thread!
Mad Vlad
I thought this thread was about using Dairylea in more ways than on a sandwich... :eek:

How disappointing... :frown:

I haven't a clue, I've never had to go ask for one.

I thought it was about Chess!

Anyway, its Levonelle, the pill u ask for.
me too!! :frown:

and me!! should it say cheese. or chess? :rolleyes:
Reply 9
Ask for emergency contraception. If you go to the pharmacist it will cost about £25, or it's free from your GP or local Sexual Health/Family Planning clinic.
Can anyone please advise me... the morning after pill... when i ask for it do i just say 'morning after pill' because that just sounds sooo cheezy?

What's "cheesy" about it?
Reply 11
Mad Vlad
I thought this thread was about using Dairylea in more ways than on a sandwich... :eek:

How disappointing... :frown:

I saw MA pill and thought it was MALE pill...I'm so thick :blush:

Anyway, the answer...just say Morning After Pill, it doesn't sound cheesy! If you're embaressed to ask then you'll have to overcome that embaressment for the 2 minutes it takes to ask or have a baby to look after for the next 18 years. I know what I'd prefer :smile:
Reply 12
As many have said, go to your local family planning clinic. They'll ask a few questions but they've seen it all before so there's no need to be embarrassed! Examples of the questions are when did you have sex, why do you need the MA pill (condom split, carried away, etc), any other medications, future plans of contraception.

Not sure where you're from, but if there's a brook clinic nearby they mainly deal with people under the age of 25 so know their stuff pretty well! (click on your area and see)

Hope you're ok x
You don't ALWAYS have to pay for it if you go to a pharmacy

Sometimes I feel like I'm talking to myself on here :frown:

A lot of pharmacies will provide it free under a PGD (same as the family planning clinic do).

If you don't want anyone else in the shop to hear what you're asking for then ask if you could have a word with the pharmacist in private and then they'll take you to the consulting booth/room/whatever they've got and nobody else will know what you've gone in for :smile:
Reply 14
Can anyone please advise me... the morning after pill... when i ask for it do i just say 'morning after pill' because that just sounds sooo cheezy?

Dunno about England but in Norway I beleive all prescription free drugs were available off the shelves. I'd imagine they keep it next to condoms and other contraceptives.
Reply 15
Dunno about England but in Norway I beleive all prescription free drugs were available off the shelves. I'd imagine they keep it next to condoms and other contraceptives.

Nope you have to ask the pharmacist for it here. We have prescription drugs, and then drugs only available if you ask over the counter, and then drugs on the shelves.
This is probalby a really silly question, but are you allowed to get the morning after pill just in case you might need it at some point, and so you don't need to rush out to a pharmacy?
Reply 17
Doesn't the pill need to be 'fresh'? Um... as in, it has a kind of best before date on it, so you have to use it within a limited amount of time? I always assumed that was why they don't give it out to everyone. Unless they just don't want people using it instead of condoms. Hmm.
In a similar vein, I was wondering about the pill - you know how it comes in packets with the days of the week written over each pill (I'm explaining this badly), does that pill have to be taken on that day? Or are the pills all the same and the days are just there to help you remember?
Reply 18
i think its there so that you remember- they shud all be the same i think- or mayb you have to take them in a certain order!! i dont think that your body wud rekect a monday one if it was atcually tuesday tho!!!
neway - isnt that pill different to the other pill- the ememrgrncy one?
or is there a difference?
Reply 19
Those pills are different, the morning after pill is only there for the morning after, "the Pill" is the one you take every day. I think there's a stickied thread on the pill/contraception generally.