Im really struggling at the moment as Im in serious debt. Being a student, I rely on my student loan, as Im sure a lot of people on here do. I already have 2 part time jobs, and cant possibly take on any more jobs. My credit card is up to its limit, Im up to my my overdraft, and I have spent nearly all of my savings, which is money I was left as an inheritence.
I have a major spending problem, this prob sounds daft and some of you may laugh but I am addicted to buying clothes and shoes. Im spending all of my wages on clothes, at the moment my boyfriend is paying all the rent and I contribute when I can. I just cant stop buying clothes, I dont know why, I just get some sort of excitement from it, hard to explain really. Ive had a lot of problems recently and for some reason, it just makes me feel better. Ive tried to stop buying clothes but it really is not as easy as it sounds. This isnt a recent thing, its been going on for about 2 years. I have tried to budget, but I can never stick to it.
I really dont know what to do, I feel stuck in a vicious circle.