I hate this 'its all about respect' ...... blah blah blah. Its not a case of respect, if it were, then surely a guy who wants sex should dump you for you not respecting what he wants??
Its really about people having the same views, not respect. If your in the UK, then you'll find the vast majority of people do not want to wait until marraige so you'll have your work cut out finding someone. My only advice would be to ensure you find yourself one of these few strongly religious guys. Any normal, none religious, male WILL WANT SEX BEFORE MARRIAGE, and will end up re-senting you after a few months. Ok, so you've had offers, they won't stick around though, they will most likely ALL be hoping to be the one to bed you, although will get fed up of trying and failing after a month or two. Nicer guys will hold the resentment in longer, but eventually he will explode and it'll end up in a huge argument resulting in him dumping you.
And back to your original question. Yes, i know of 3 women (no guys surprisingly) that are all saving themselves for marriage (they are all catholic), 2 in their late twenties, one in their 40's. They are ALL single and have never had a relationship lasting more than a few months. So it depends on what you consider positive / negative effects. I'd say negative.