The Student Room Group
Reply 1
I don't know much about them but I think you should keep your underwear clean and scrub them after every wear. :redface: Sorry not much help!
Reply 2
Maybe you should check around on google.. im pretty sure there should be some medical way of getting rid of them/
Reply 3
I had em after camping with the girl guides. Go to the pharmacy and ask and you get a tablet and then you can take another in a few weeks if they are still going strong. You have to be careful to wash your hands and be really hygienic in the meantime so you don't reinfect yourself. Also if you're at home and its a family its possible you've all got em so worth taking the family pack you used to be able to get the tablets in a family pack. Very awkward and embarrassing put me off camping for months after :wink:
Reply 4
i was just wondering if any one here has ever suffered from or known of anyone who has had had threadworms or pinworms?
Someone has confided in me and i was just wondering what to say to them as she is very embarassed

Its just some worms, nothing to be embaressed about. I beleive you usally treat it with a medecine in pill or liquid form. Not certain tho. Best thing is undoubtly to ask a doctor about it. I seem to remember having an infection as a kid, itched liek hell, but fortunately it should get better fairly quickly with treatment. As I said, send your friend to a doctor and go with her if she is very embarressed. Its really nothing to worry about tho, doctors are used to all kinds of embarresing situations and this is just pure routine.
Reply 5
don't go to the doctors waste of time you can get one pill over the counter at any pharmacist I promise and thats it.
Reply 6
don't go to the doctors waste of time you can get one pill over the counter at any pharmacist I promise and thats it.

Handy piece of information #7469 stored for future reference :p:
Personally I always ask a doctor first ( my mom ) unless there is something I am not particularily anxious to talk to her about ( I assume I don't have to drwa you a picture :wink: )
Reply 7
i was just wondering if any one here has ever suffered from or known of anyone who has had had threadworms or pinworms?
Someone has confided in me and i was just wondering what to say to them as she is very embarassed

I always like the 'my friend line' bless. :wink:
Reply 8
I always like the 'my friend line' bless. :wink:

Why woudl anyone use that on an anonymous message board? If they find it embarresing you could just create another nickname.
Reply 9
don't go to the doctors waste of time you can get one pill over the counter at any pharmacist I promise and thats it.

Unless you get free prescriptions and can't afford the expense (I know it's not huge, but it all adds up - especially for an entire family)
tip: keep your nails short. I got this advice when I was little, so from then on, I cut them short all the time. Also never bite your nails.