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Reply 1
No experience of my own, but my best friend's current boyfriend was a virgin when they started dating and they've been happy together for over a year now, so going off their experience I wouldn't say that it's much of a big deal. If you do really like him then I don't think it should be a problem, but that's just my opinion :smile:
There's a guy that I like, and I know he likes me as well BUT he's a virgin!

I've never had sex with a virgin and am used to the guy taking control so im in a dilema about what to do... I'm not sure if I should date him at all because of this.

Has anyone else had any kind of experience or thoughts?

troll, right?
Reply 3
Its odd and quick and not plesant. Don't do it lol
no point getting together with him if he's never had sex before, there's no way anyone could love him
Reply 5
Yeah because none of us have every been in his situation... never having had sex that is..
You mean he's never stuck his penis inside a girl? Yeah, forget it, a relationship is out of the question. What kind of creature is he?
Reply 7
A virgin? :lolwut:

Don't you get HIV or something from one of those? Stay away.
Reply 8
He can make him do what you like and he may be more caring so that he impresses you. Sounds good, surely?
I like the sarcasm of some of the people on here :biggrin: .

Seriously though, I think what you are saying is pretty immature OP, are you a troll?

EDIT - You probably won't be able to please him anyway because you're probably as wide as a tunnel.
Aww, wouldn't it be a bit mean to turn him away just for being a virgin? After all, we all have been one once. Sex is supposed to be instinctive anyway, so why not just go for it? It can't be that bad, and you can teach him things :sexface:
whos to say he wont take control anyway? my bf was a virgin when we first had sex, and i never even knew cos he acted like he knew what he was doing!
I really hope that Anon1 is joking.. if not, well, what a ****. :eyeball:
There's a guy that I like, and I know he likes me as well BUT he's a virgin!

I've never had sex with a virgin and am used to the guy taking control so im in a dilema about what to do... I'm not sure if I should date him at all because of this.

Has anyone else had any kind of experience or thoughts?

Thought this was going to be about taking a man's virginity by ******* him in the ass.

Just lay back and expect it to be over before it's even started.
Has anyone else had any kind of experience or thoughts?

But if everybody had the same "thoughts" as you, no guy would ever lose their virginity and there'd be a lack of people to sleep with, and then nobody would ever have any "experience" and the whole human race would die out :woo:
Reply 15
OP if you do anything with him, remind him to put 20 layers on first :wink:
Reply 16
A virgin? :lolwut:

Don't you get HIV or something from one of those? Stay away.

erm no, I've never heard of that before. I always thought it was the other way around :hmmmm:

anwyays, If you do decide to go with him, all you can do is not to expect much. But really if you really like him enough then tbh you shouldnt turn him down over it
erm no, I've never heard of that before. I always thought it was the other way around :hmmmm:

anwyays, If you do decide to go with him, all you can do is not to expect much. But really if you really like him enough then tbh you shouldnt turn him down over it

Wow, your irony-o-meter must be broken.
All 4 of my boyfriends have been virgins. My friend gave me the nickname 'The Virgin Collector' :biggrin:
Just wondering- do girls not feel it to be an honor to take a guy's virginity? Because a lot of guys do consider it an honor to take a girl's virginity and I was wondering if this thing worked both ways.