The Student Room Group
Reply 1
ive been sleeping wiv this guy for months at one point he siad he loved me and we were gunna get together but now hes wiv someone else and is planning on getting engaged to her and he says the she is the perfect match for him

should i tell him that i love him or shold i just keep my mouth shut??

please help

Uhm surely if you were sleeping with him for months you were together. no ?
Reply 2
no we werent going out it was just casual sex
Reply 3
ive been sleeping wiv this guy for months at one point he siad he loved me and we were gunna get together but now hes wiv someone else and is planning on getting engaged to her and he says the she is the perfect match for him

should i tell him that i love him or shold i just keep my mouth shut??

please help

I take it this is a casual sex relationship? And I'm sorry if this seems harsh but why were you still sleeping together when he'd got with someone else? You have to ask yourself whether you do really love this guy, and if the answer is yes, then consider all the possible outcomes of telling him so. He may leave the other girl for you, but then he may knock you back and you could be really humiliated. Persinally I'd keep my mouth shut because, like it or not, he appears to have moved on. I know its tough, I've been there, but its a decision which requires careful consideration.
Reply 4
TBH, he seems to have made a choice already, from what you say. Surely he wouldn't intend to get engaged to someone else if it's more than just sex?

Of course I don't know all the details, but I think you should be honest with yourself and with him. If you have feelings for him already, then it's actually not just casual sex. I suggest that you talk to him about where things between the two of you are heading, even if you choose not to tell him that you love him; I think it's fair to assume that things as they are can't continue. If he really intends to get married to the other girl, then you probably can't continue your "friends with benefits" relationship. On the other hand, if he returns your feelings, then it's not really good for him to lead the other girl on with the promise of marriage.

Good luck! :smile:
The problem with these casual relationships is there is always the dnager of one f you developing feelings for the other (i mean sex is a pretty intimite thing so its not surprising). If he has truely found his perfect match, then you probably are looking at rejection. I'm tempted to say that maybe you put yourself ina position where he could just use you for sex, but that wouldn't be fair as i don't know the full story.
It is up to you whether yo want to take the chance and tell him, but if your relationship is only based on sex, i don't think it would go that far, "proper" relationships are about more than just sex.In my opinion I think you'd be better off moving on, forget about this guy, and sooner or later you'll meet someone better who wants you for all of you, not just your body.
take care
Reply 6
say whatever you want, just be prepared for rejection.

If he's found the perfect match whilst he's had you for months then I don't honestly hold out much hope for your future.

But like...was he sleeping with you when he found his "perfect match?"

yes he was sleeping wiv me when he was wiv his "perfect match"