The Student Room Group
Reply 1

I've had this happen to me several times, i must have slept slightly funny and now i have pulled muscle on one side of my neck.
If i move my neck to the left it hurts as a result i am a bit slanted. I have put a hot water bottle on it and am going to have a hot bath. Any other advice to get it healed up as quick as possible?
Was think of going swimming this evening is that a really bad idea?

Aww, hope you get better. I get that sometimes, though with me it's more often a trapped nerve. Don't go swimming, just relax and keep it as still as possible. And when you go to bed tonight lie on your back; sometimes when I sleep on my side it happens.
Reply 2
Hot shower is good. Also, If you have a neck brace put it on and try to keep your neck as still as possible. Should go away in a couple of days.
Reply 3
I did that the other day - so painful :frown:

Do the hot water bottle thing that might help it feel better. You could try gently massaging it to stop it feeling so tight. Also take some Ibuprofen. They are anti-inflammatory so will ease the pain. Always remember to take them on a full stomach though :smile:
Reply 4
dont jus rotate your neck instead move synchronously with your shoulders and body.
MAssage if needed and get lots of rest

I've had this happen to me several times, i must have slept slightly funny and now i have pulled muscle on one side of my neck.
If i move my neck to the left it hurts as a result i am a bit slanted. I have put a hot water bottle on it and am going to have a hot bath. Any other advice to get it healed up as quick as possible?
Was think of going swimming this evening is that a really bad idea?

awwwwwwwwwwww sweetie :hugs: pullin a muscle is sore ut in your neck :eek: ouch.....hope you have a speedy recovery hunny :frown: xoxo
Reply 6
Exercise your neck:

1. Try to move your down your chest as far as possible whilst sort of reaching for the ceiling with the top of your back (bottom of neck).
2. Do a similar movement but backwards, reach upwards with your chin, if you do it so much you can feel the muscle stretching it, also whilst it's up in the air rotate it a little bit left and then right.
3. Whilst keeping your back and neck straight move your head left making sure you torso doesn't move and only your head moves (you should be aiming to move your ear towards your shoulder).

4. Do step 3 but move your right ear towards your right shoulder.

5. Lie on a bed, face up, with your head and neck off the end of the bed, put a plate (the one's which you would put on a dumbell) on your forehead (you can use a towel if the plate is hurting your forehead) and let your head go back as far as possible (the same movement as if you was standing and wanted to look vertically upward. Using your hands to keep the plate on your forehead lift your head up to try and touch your chest as far down as possible with your chin. It's basically a weighted neck curl.

A video:

Also read:

In hardly any time you'll notice your neck becoming stronger and you'll be able to sleep more efficiently (I think?).
Reply 7
Thanks for the advice everyone, i have slept for most of the day and its already feeling a bit better :biggrin: . Def going to try the heat around the kneck and will take some Ibuprofen.
Reply 8

I've had this happen to me several times, i must have slept slightly funny and now i have pulled muscle on one side of my neck.
If i move my neck to the left it hurts as a result i am a bit slanted. I have put a hot water bottle on it and am going to have a hot bath. Any other advice to get it healed up as quick as possible?
Was think of going swimming this evening is that a really bad idea?

ive done the same, but it wasnt a long-term thing. it felt really painful but only for a second.

this mite sound gay but do sum neck stretches

and use deep heat