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Do you need to be 18 to get a piercing at Claire's without your parent or guardian with you?

I think its 16 xoxo
Reply 2
I'm not sure, I think you should be able to get your ears peirced alone at 16. :confused: :biggrin:
Reply 3
Ahh okey dokey thanks :smile:
Reply 4
but it's expensive there
Reply 5
You shouldn't get your ears pierced at Claire's! Go to a proper piercing studio.
You shouldn't get your ears pierced at Claire's! Go to a proper piercing studio.

:ditto: i got mine pierced in something similar to Claire's and I was left with an extremely bad ear infection...they didnt explain how to clean it properly etc xoxo
Reply 7
Yeah but I've had my lobes done twice there and my cartilage done there and despite the view of many people that Claire's are crap when it comes to ear piercing, my experiences have all been good
Reply 8
I had my first holes done there and they are still fine! :biggrin:
You shouldn't get your ears pierced at Claire's! Go to a proper piercing studio.

i got mine done at claires, but then i ****ed it up by playing with the butterfly and pushing it in really hard, and then the next night i had to go to a*e and get the pulled out the back of my ear......ouch
Reply 10
I wouldn't do it at Clares they use a gun don't they?
I had my first set done at a decent place with a needle and they were straight and have never healed over. Had second set done with a gun the holes are crooked I got an infection in them and was allergic to the earrings they put in. I'm not saying Clares are rubbish piercers but you are always better paying that little bit more I think.

I work there.

I'm saying nothing about whether you should get it done at claire's or not.
Reply 12
Well as I said, I've had a lot of piercings there before and have never had a problem. :smile:
Hmm, I will say this. Guns are not the best way to pierce. Far from it. But they do the job adequately. If you have the time and inclination to hunt out a place that pierces with needles, go for it, and to be honest it won't take that much effort. Especially as you're on the outh coast. My friend at work knows a good place in Bognor, as it happens.

If you just want a lobe piercing that is, admittedly, second best, then getting it done at Claire's ain't gonna kill you.
Reply 14
If you just want a lobe piercing that is, admittedly, second best, then getting it done at Claire's ain't gonna kill you.

Well, it won't kill you, but you probably won't get a good piercing, and you risk getting all sorts of nasty infections and diseases. And if you're young/slightly built then you may go into body shock from the force of the gun (it can happen to everyone, but those types are more at risk).
Reply 15
Where's the place in Boggers? Rob's? I'm anything but slightly built LOL
Reply 16
Yeah but I've had my lobes done twice there and my cartilage done there and despite the view of many people that Claire's are crap when it comes to ear piercing, my experiences have all been good

Your cartilage? You know you're taking a huge risk getting it done with a gun? It could shatter it.

Lobes are fine with a gun (although admittedly needles are much better, get it done in a proper piercing studio if you can), but any more that that and you should absolutely get it done with a needle... a gun can send your body into shock.
Reply 17
Your cartilage? You know you're taking a huge risk getting it done with a gun? It could shatter it.

I was young and naive when i got it done....I didn't know about the risks. Oh well it's been done for 4 years now, no harm done
Reply 18
16. don't get your ears done with guns. i have quite a few piercings, two with a gun, the rest not. don't get it done with a gun. no way. it's not worth the risk.
When you say gun, what exactly are you talking about?

Because what I mostly use (and am happy about using) only uses as much force as I apply. I'll look for pictures....