The Student Room Group

I don't want to go prom ...

I don't want to go to my prom .. I hate the people in my year .. they are so judgemental and literally b****s .. I just want to leave school as soon as possible.

I told my friends this, and they weren't really understanding .. they excluded from their conversations and refused to talk to me until I agreed to go to prom.

I couldnt take it anymore and I just burst out crying in front of everyone.

I don't know what to do, and don't how to confront my friends.

I'm still angry at them and can't believe they can't respect my decision and just act mature about it...

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if you're friends are being such idiots about it, they're hardly friends

Or not, wtvs.
Tell your friends they can screw themselves. It should be easy anyway seeing as you just want to be as far away as possible from your 6th form.
Reply 4
I don't want to go to my prom .. I hate the people in my year .. they are so judgemental and literally b****s .. I just want to leave school as soon as possible.

I told my friends this, and they weren't really understanding .. they excluded from their conversations and refused to talk to me until I agreed to go to prom.

I couldnt take it anymore and I just burst out crying in front of everyone.

I don't know what to do, and don't how to confront my friends.

I'm still angry at them and can't believe they can't respect my decision and just act mature about it...

I think it would help if we knew if you're male or female. Because my response to this depends entirely. If you don't want to post it you can PM me... or ignore me. Either way!
Reply 5
Don't go to prom then, no biggy.
Reply 6
I think it would help if we knew if you're male or female. Because my response to this depends entirely. If you don't want to post it you can PM me... or ignore me. Either way!

LOL i'm female ..
Reply 7
all i can say is my sister didnt go and she regrets it so much.

mines this year too, no one in my year has really got along, got lots of cliches and stuff, but maybe you should go even just for like a few hours? this could be the last time you ever see your year together and its a good time to reflect on the last few years even if they havent been enjoyable.

its a night for you remember, im going because i can show how i've changed, i came to school with short spikey black hair and thick black eyeliner, im doing prom all out princessy :P

end of the day, if you really dont want to then dont, if your friends dont get over themselves its their own loss tbh =/

sorry about the length lol i tend to ramble :P
Real friends would respect your decision. I mean its fair enough they are trying to persuade you etc but not talking to you definately goes a little too far!
Confront them about it and tell them they are being immature. You have a right to do what the hell you want!
Reply 9
Aww I didn't go to my prom either. Hated school, barely went - there was no way in hell I wanted to spend the night with people I really disliked.
But but but, I do regret it now. It would have been nice to have a memory of a prom. You should go, it might even be okay.
Then in that case you should definetly go! I don't think I've ever met a girl who went to Prom/Leaver's Ball and didn't have a great time. It's a rite of passage, a great way to say good bye to all your friends (who are doing you a favour by trying to pressure you into going). It's one of those things that if you don't go, you WILL regret it 20 years down the line when you're kids are all dressed up for their Prom and think 'What if...'.

But that's just my 2 cents... plus you get to buy a new dress! Never met a girl who wasn't excited about that!
Reply 11
You will regret it , I know guys that didn't go and it was the worst decision of their lives so far
Reply 12
Tbh, they don't seem like very good friends...
I don't really see the problem with not wanting to go to the prom.
They should respect what you want really...
If you really don't wanna go, don't :smile:
Reply 13
Just make a decent excuse as to why you can't go (I'm on holiday, I'm away, I'm working etc.) but take an interest in who they're going with, what they're wearing and how they're getting there. Everything should be fine.
Reply 14
I decided not to go to my year 11 prom because of people in my year and ended up slightly regretting it because of the reflection on the 5 years.

At the time I was unhappy with my friends so I suppose it was the right decision at the time, so I can't really advise you to just go regardless.
Then don't.

Only if it's really what you want. Don't feel forced into going due to peer pressure. Otherwise you'll be there, all moody and ruin all the photos :wink:

(I'm joking)
Reply 16
You will regret it , I know guys that didn't go and it was the worst decision of their lives so far

Seriously? They have sweet lives if that's their worst decision.

I never went either. I don't really regret it that much. If I went back in time I guess I'd go but it's not just another night, OP just do what you feel like.
If you really don't want to you could always 'forget' to buy the ticket.

Also, those aren't very good friends to be honest. They should let you make your own choice.
Reply 18
Lol. Don't go then. Prom was **** anyway. One of my friends missed it for Download, don't think he regrets it at all. In fact I left quite early that it was so *****.
don't let them peer pressure you into going to the prom. if you don't want to go, don't go. I'm not going to my one, for obvious reasons. your friends sound really stupid tbh, i would ditch them.