The Student Room Group
don't know sounds like he wants to attach himself to you- go for it! no harm in being wrong if he doesn't want to just shows that you like him
Reply 2
What if you go to meet him and he's holding a chain and cuffs? :eek:

Or, he may be into bondage... :eek:

I think he means either, he just wants to "meet up" ie. physically meet with you for a date or whatever. Or when he says 'link up' he wants to meet you (god, this is getting confusing!), in the sense that he wants you two to become casual daters. Get me?
Reply 3
i get you
Reply 4
Do you like him then? :p:
yes, meet him.

Reply 6
Hes really nice and i do like him. We haven't been able to see each other since school broke up so we've just kinda texted. Boy language y'know...v confusing.
Reply 7
yeah i know the feeling... a few years back this really fit guy started chatting to me in the street and then after a bit he said 'wanna link up?' and i had no idea what he meant! I assumed he meant sex so I politely gave him the brush-off. What could have been! *sigh*
Reply 8
The link up thing in my town means a drink and some pleasent chit chat at the local pub. Id go with him have a couple of drinks, chat some and enjoy it. Whether he has an alterer motive for asking you there or not id just enjoy it. Cross the do you fancy him bridge if and when it comes.

im in a simular situation myself..a friend from college who i aint seen for just over a year but i have kept in touch with through msn. Wants me to go for a night out with him a drink and pulling session was his words. But when i suggested an afternoon drink, he was in all agreement, afternoons dont hold much of a pulling prospect if you ask me. But i find them more comfy less people around no real crowds. Were both single and not having much luck with the other sex, people we like or have liked let us down.
thanks for that
Reply 10
lmao, link up, so he didn't say "would you like to join me for a drink sometime?" which is what any normal person would say! If he says things like that he's just gonna be really vague about everything.
Reply 11
Me and this guy have really been texting each other a lot lately. Well he asked me to "link up" and i wondered if this was a date or what?

... only one way to find out.

What do you want btw?
i was sat here with that same question in my head..though replace the words "link up" with "should definitely hang out"..which is more casual at face value, but then thats very much his way...hmm..
He's being vague. I'd guess he probably likes you but is being over-casual because he's not sure whether you're interested.
it sounds like he's trying to be cool and casual for meet up. is this the same guy you wrote the letter to right?
Reply 15
Reply 16
Errr.. why didn't you ask him? Surely that's the easiest way to find out what he means.. :rolleyes: