The Student Room Group
Reply 1
put garlic in it.
Reply 2
what atcually up my nose hole? wont that hurt like mad? it sounds kinda disturbing to me?? fresh garlic?
Reply 3
Reply 4
i have a cold! whatss the bst way to banish my snootty nose?

Blow your nose, and then HOT black tea with a shot of whisky in it.

Reply 5
A close friend of yours has got cancer and you are posting here about getting rid of your cold?

I am glad to see your priorities are in order.
Reply 6
A close friend of yours has got cancer and you are posting here about getting rid of your cold?

I am glad to see your priorities are in order.

Who is that directed at, lol

Reply 7
excuse me? that was a general question about the cancer thing i did not mention the words close friend
Reply 8
Vicks vapour rub! Love that stuff

Dont put it in your eyes people.
Reply 9
i have a cold! whatss the bst way to banish my snootty nose?

First of all, make sure you don't make it any worse. That means warm clothes , loads of rest and under no circumstances should you do any hard work or excercise. So bring out those wool socks grandma got you for christhmas ( just knew they had to be good for something didnt you ? ) and stay home with a good book, a cup of darjeeling with a slice of lemon on the side and maybe phone a good friend for moral support. Oh and if your nose is full of slime, get it out of there and not further up, otherwise your infection will just decide to move downsouth to the warm and humid paradise that is your throat.
Reply 10
Lemsip, balsalm tissues and Strepsils. Mix together well, and wait. Tis all you can do...
Reply 11
i'm full of cold and i've basically spent the weekend sleeping, drinking lots of tea, having nice baths and making my bf cheer me up (got loads of cholcates with that one too),,, hopefully yours won't last much longer

lou xxx
Reply 12
I've had one for the past 2 weeks, starting to finally get better, just have to stick colds out really, I took 600mg of vitamin C daily though, whether its helped me or not I don't know.
Reply 13
I've had one for the past 2 weeks, starting to finally get better, just have to stick colds out really, I took 600mg of vitamin C daily though, whether its helped me or not I don't know.

Hmmm, is 600mg a large dose would you say? If I am not mistaken excessive intake of Vitamin C can cause kidney stones ( Tho this requires an intake far above what you will ever mange from eating oranges ). Well I suppose as long as you follow the package instructions it shouldnt be a problem. Just keep in mind that nothing is good in rediculous ammounts. Its possible to die from an overdose of water as well...
Reply 14
Buy the throat spray, i dunno what's it called but if you ask for a throat spray for a cold at your local chemist, it'll work really well! Best half cure i've experienced.
Reply 15
Tablespoon of honey, melted in a cup of hot water with the juice of one lemon. You can add grated ginger, which helps clear your head.
Reply 16
A hug from me :hugs:

A hot bath :bath:

Some yukky medicine :nurse:

Then an early night :sleep:
