The Student Room Group
allevyn heel, that should do the trick
Reply 2
allevyn heel, that should do the trick

allevyn heel? WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?
its a dressing we use on the wards to either prevent pressure sores or make sure that they dont get any worse, its just a heel shaped thing that you put over your heel and it acts like padding to cushion any bony bits so that the skin doesnt break, nowt too special but it might make your heels less uncomfortable :biggrin: :biggrin:
Reply 4
thanks but- the skin doesnt break- its moe like my heel weas in the shoes mega quick and rips up my socks! it hurts as well like hell- but i cnt see myself wearing a bandage every day for the rest of my life... surgery?
well you can have surgery to remove bunions so i dont see why you couldnt have surgery to shave the bone in ur heel, but then even if you do, the bone wud grow back and you wud need it repeating

you could always try a podiatrist, they might be able to think of summat
Reply 6
omg i thought i was alone! i have to get shoes a size bigger, my heels stick out so much, and then they are either tight or slippy. Mine don't hurt unless you touch them/are wearing shoes, they sort of feel like bruises but they aren't. So sorry, no words of advice just thought I'd commiserate!
Reply 7
omg i thought i was alone! i have to get shoes a size bigger, my heels stick out so much, and then they are either tight or slippy. Mine don't hurt unless you touch them/are wearing shoes, they sort of feel like bruises but they aren't. So sorry, no words of advice just thought I'd commiserate!

lol- its good to know that someone else suffers from it too! - not that i wish anyone to suffer!

tho i have to say the worst thing about it, worse than the pain, is the fact that it makes my feet look so ugly- which i am very self-consious about. no backless shoes for me!- although backless shoes would be so very comfortable.
its a lose lose situation.
poor u 2 dreamer