The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Did you pay with your credit card?
Reply 2
Just checked out the website, doesn't like like they've folded to me.
Reply 3
funny how the woman who owns red letter days was on that program "dragon's den", which only takes people who have the potential to be successful :rolleyes:

sounds like she has been eaten by the dragons :p: (oh dear :redface:)
Reply 4
Damn! I had a Ferrari driving experience that I was looking forward to doing over summer. Now I hear that the company has folded and that I won't be able to do this - that sucks! has anyone else got any experiences outstanding?

Clarkey_Berlin - how did you book it (buy a box set through a store, buy online,etc), and how did you pay for it? If they have gone bust, you may be able to get a refund....
Reply 5
Gutted...I always thought RLD were successful...:smile:
Reply 6
I hope they haven't - British Airways gave us a free experience, and I was going to go and do the 4x4 driving one. If they're gone, i'll be pretty miffed.
Reply 7
funny how the woman who owns red letter days was on that program "dragon's den", which only takes people who have the potential to be successful :rolleyes:

sounds like she has been eaten by the dragons :p: (oh dear :redface:)

That's just what I thought when I read this thread :biggrin:
Reply 9
It was paid for by credit card - but a long time ago! I hope someone does buy it out as it's got real potential, but, due to shockingly bad management, they are some 400k in debt. I think they will go into liquidisation tomorrow. I hope not tho!
Reply 11
RLD are a total rip off when you compare them to some stores 'own brand' experiences.
Damn! I had a Ferrari driving experience that I was looking forward to doing over summer. Now I hear that the company has folded and that I won't be able to do this - that sucks! has anyone else got any experiences outstanding?

its not good if you've lost the money but if you havent then you can always book the ferarri experience yourself plus you'll get it cheaper cause your cutting out the middle man. like flying lessons from them things is dearer than if you just went to a local school and paid for an hour.

This dosen't mean there gone bust. It means she wants to sell to someone else and so she can set up something else.
Reply 14
I used to have to sell these things at debanhams, never looked that great to me you are better off tracking down a company that does EXACTLY what you want rather than going through a middleman (red letter days)
Reply 15
It was paid for by credit card - but a long time ago! I hope someone does buy it out as it's got real potential, but, due to shockingly bad management, they are some 400k in debt. I think they will go into liquidisation tomorrow. I hope not tho!

Well, if you can't use your experience then you can claim your money back from the credit card company!