The Student Room Group

Meeting with an ex

To meet or not to meet, that is the question.

Ok so i was with my ex 18 months before he moved to las vegas and we split up. We did say we'd remain friends as we'd been good friends before and during us going out. When he first went things were tense and we weren't speaking. I moved on and so did he. Anyway he's back lving in the uk and we wnat to meet up as friends, so does any one think there's anything wrong with this or that its a good/bad idea? we haven't see each other for a year. Has anyone else been in a similar situation? :confused:

thanx :smile:
Reply 1
Exs are evil
I don't think there is anything wrong with meeting up again. After all you were good friends and maybe you can renew that friendship again. It will be a little awkward at first obviously as you parted in not so good terms. I say go for it, you can never have enough friends around you and well, you never know, maybe you will get back together and live happily ever after.
Take each day as it comes and don't expect too much from your first meet up. Good luck. :biggrin:
Reply 3
I wouldn't say he was "evil" as such.... :ahhhhh:
I wouldn't say he was "evil" as such.... :ahhhhh:

I think he was referring to ex's in general. :wink:
Reply 5
Just bring a club in case he tries it
Reply 6
I don't think there is anything wrong with meeting up again. After all you were good friends and maybe you can renew that friendship again. It will be a little awkward at first obviously as you parted in not so good terms. I say go for it, you can never have enough friends around you and well, you never know, maybe you will get back together and live happily ever after.Take each day as it comes and don't expect too much from your first meet up. Good luck. :biggrin:

not so sure my boyfriend would approve of that! :eek: nah i'm happily in another relationship, but i mean, i've known the guy 3 years so i'd like to stay mates. We didn't really split on bad terms, i mean i knew we were splitting up, he was in the RAF so got posted over there for 3 years (tho he came back after about 5 months) tho it was quite stressful etc. :smile:

So stay friends and have another shoulder to lean on when you need it. :biggrin:
Reply 8
Ignor bharj.
Meet up, what can really go that wrong?
Would be silly not to meet from being cautious and possibly lose a friend.
Reply 9
not so sure my boyfriend would approve of that! :eek: nah i'm happily in another relationship, but i mean, i've known the guy 3 years so i'd like to stay mates. We didn't really split on bad terms, i mean i knew we were splitting up, he was in the RAF so got posted over there for 3 years (tho he came back after about 5 months) tho it was quite stressful etc. :smile:


Well in case you decide to go see him, just make sure your boyfriend knows you are gonna go see an ex cus If he finds out through someone else he might get sucpicious* or worried.

* another word I have no idea how to spell.
yeah he might

think i've mentioned it before, ah it should be ok :s
Reply 11
I don't see why you should have to give your bf a report of your past relstionships with your friends.
I assume you are friends with your ex? So why is the fact that you were once with him important. He is a friend who just happens to also be an ex from a long time ago.
Your bf should trust you enough to not have to know who you are with all the time.
So stay friends and have another shoulder to lean on when you need it. :biggrin:

:ditto: ^_^ xoxo
Meet up. That is what I would do. Friendship with an ex is perfectly possible and if you were friends before hand then it is even more possible. The fact that you are currently in a relationship shouldn't stop you having a friendship with an ex. If your boyfriend thinks otherwise then he has trust issues in my opinion. Remember that he is an ex for a reason...
Reply 14

Your bf should trust you enough to not have to know who you are with all the time.

I don't suggest telling your boyfriend because it is somehow required. By all means he should trust her. What I am saying is that if you really love each other there is no harm in letting him know, and and if nothing else it shows that you do care about his feelinsg by making sure that he hears it from you instead of finding out in some otehr way. Of course her boyfriend has no reason to be angry should he find out, but that does not mean you can't tell him anyways.

If I were to meet up with an ex I know I would feel much better if my girlfriend knew about it. Not because I would think I were doing something wrong by not telling her, but because I I trust her enough to accept it that I see no reason why I would not let her know. Its not a question of her trusting me. I knwo she does already. It is a matter of me trusting her not to freak out if I were to remain friends with an ex. If I were to avoid telling her it would essentially be like telling her I don't trust her to react in a sensible manner.