Hi people, just wondered how many people would class themselves as a jealous kind of person? I'm asking because (sorry if this sounds really big- headed) but some girls seem to be rather jealous of me. I am told that i'm very pretty (other people's words!) and I get asked out a lot but this seems to create a lot of animosity between me and other girls. As a result, most of my friends are male. Girls just seem to be so nasty to me for no proper reason, even if they don't know me. For example, the other night I went clubbing, and was just minding my own business when a girl who had been giving me evils all night came up to me and said I looked like a slag (for the record I didn't, I was just wearing a mini skirt and others had commented on how nice I looked). I only had to walk past another girl and she asked me why I thought I was so good- I simply walked past the girl, its not like I was strutting around like a supermodel! I just get so fed up of the verbal abuse and dirty looks, whether its in a club or on the street. A lot of girls are automatically nasty to me until they realise that I'm not actually a bitch and I'm not going to try and get off with their boyfriend. So what I want to know is do any other girls have this problem?If so how do you deal with it? I realise that this seems really shallow, but i just hate the fact that girls don't really want to get to know me properly. I'm just worried that when I go to uni people will leave me out like they see to do at the moment. Plus, are any of you out there jealous people who do this kind of thing? Cos I just wondered why people felt the need to be so nasty for such a rubbish reason. Sorry for rambling on!