just find other stuff to do. one of the main reasons i broke up with my last bf was that he was too clingy. he would text me, and if i didn't reply within half an hour he would text me again to ask if i got the previous text. now, i'm quite an independent person, and so after a while this really began to get on my nerves. of course, this wasn't the only reason i broke up with him - we weren't suited in other ways - but i would say that it was the main reason that we broke up when we did. i'm not trying to portend a doomed relationship here, i'm just saying that if your gf is anything like me, then you could be heading for trouble. try only calling/texting her when you have a real reason to ( as i'm sure you used to, before this summer). just don't do the "hi, i'm really bored, how is your day?" thing. the fact that she needs her own space doesn't mean doesn't care about you, it just means that she needs her own space. by calling/texting her a lot you might make her feel that she has to divulge information (e.g exactly what she's done today, regardless of how interesting it has been) when she would prefer not to and, depending on what type of person she is, she might resent it, or feel that she is being smothered. to be honest, if you want to know how often to call/text her, i think the best person to ask is your girlfriend. or you could try not calling/texting her and seeing how often she contacts you of her own accord, as i imagine that that would be quite a good indicator of what she expects/feels happy with.