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Reply 1
ask him to see a doctor about it.
Reply 2
My mate has told me he has been getting voices in his head shouting on him. :confused: He takes drugs and used to be addicted to valium so could this be the cause of it or does this mean he could be insane. :frown: I'm really worried for him.

There is your problem.
some drugs can trigger schizophrenia

he NEEDS to seek medical help.
Reply 4
My mate has told me he has been getting voices in his head shouting on him. :confused: He takes drugs and used to be addicted to valium so could this be the cause of it or does this mean he could be insane. :frown: I'm really worried for him.

Psychoactive drugs work by disturbing the normal function of your brain so they sure can give you all kinds of different problems if abused. Hell even Marihuana has been showed to trigger schizofrenia. Best thing he can do right now is to go to a clinic and ask them to help him go clean, because it will only be getting worse if he continues his drug abuse. What drusg are we talking about btw , does it involve Cocaine / Heroin by any chance cus those two are known to cause hallucianations and will basically break a human's mind down completely with time ( Note: I did not say "can" they will break any abuser down eventually. )
Reply 5
Psychoactive drugs work by disturbing the normal function of your brain so they sure can give you all kinds of different problems if abused. Hell even Marihuana has been showed to trigger schizofrenia. Best thing he can do right now is to go to a clinic and ask them to help him go clean, because it will only be getting worse if he continues his drug abuse. What drusg are we talking about btw , does it involve Cocaine / Heroin by any chance cus those two are known to cause hallucianations and will basically break a human's mind down completely with time ( Note: I did not say "can" they will break any abuser down eventually. )

Well like i said it was vals before and he was really badly addicted to them. Shakes and everything :frown: and now he's taking hash (which i didn't think was that bad til your post :dong: )and he also takes eccies and poppers. But he said he wasn't addicted to them when i asked.
Reply 6
coke and heroin causing hallucinations, are you sure? thats the first ever time ive heard that, dude...
Reply 7
Well like i said it was vals before and he was really badly addicted to them. Shakes and everything :frown: and now he's taking hash (which i didn't think was that bad til your post :dong: )and he also takes eccies and poppers. But he said he wasn't addicted to them when i asked.

First of all it is difficult to knwo if you are addicted until you really try to stop, secondly he may very well be denying it to you.

As for cannabis I beleive teh latest I read on teh matter was that it can trigegr schizofrenia amongst people who are at risk due to otehr reasons ( that is, it would not be the sole cause but it coudl til the scale ).

Exctacy ( spelling ? ) destroys the nerve and has been documented to give chronic side effects, tho as far as I know this was among long term users.
Reply 8
coke and heroin causing hallucinations, are you sure? thats the first ever time ive heard that, dude...

Coccaine typically causes people to see bright lights for no reason and feel cripplings in their skin. Among the heaviest long term users it is common that people describe the feeling as if ants or wormswere trying to push their way out of the skin or tounge. Both heroin and coccaine are heavily destructive mentally and greatly increase the chance to suffer from a mental illness. Contrary to popular beleif this is not just due to impurities in the substance, but the drugs in themselves cause major mental problems. I shall see if I can find a link.'

Edit, right wikipedia seems to have some info altho most of it is about the distributionand manufacturing of the drug.

Also this page seems to have some information on the side effects

It is a bit late for me to start searching for more details and to find similar pages for heroin, but anyone who has experience with a long term abuser can testify that it is not pretty.
Reply 9
Hey need_money, I think you should do all that you possibly can to get him to a doctor ASAP. He's close enough to confide in you, he should be close enough to listen to your advice. You're 15...well if he's the same age it might be a good idea to talk to his parents about how worried you are sweetie.
Reply 10
* gemchicken
Hey need_money, I think you should do all that you possibly can to get him to a doctor ASAP. He's close enough to confide in you, he should be close enough to listen to your advice. You're 15...well if he's the same age it might be a good idea to talk to his parents about how worried you are sweetie.

He's actually a bit younger than me. :frown: I don't know his parents at all and i don't see him too often anymore but we still keep in contact. But i told him to come down to my bit one day so i could talk to him about it.
Don't be thick at get him to the doctors! :stupid:
Reply 12
Don't be thick at get him to the doctors! :stupid:

But thats the thing! Telling him to go to the doctors won't mean he'll actually do that. :frown:
Reply 13
He's actually a bit younger than me. :frown: I don't know his parents at all and i don't see him too often anymore but we still keep in contact. But i told him to come down to my bit one day so i could talk to him about it.

He is less than 15 and has been addicted to valium, smokes cannabis and abused extacy ? Sorry to say this but your friend is down a one way street and I seriously doubt that he will get out of it unless forced to. If you do care about him try to persuade him to go seek proffesional help, if he does not want to Im afraid you have little choice but to either contact social services or accept the fact that you are about to loose a friend, becuase this is about as serious as it gets without poeple killing themselves.
Reply 14
But thats the thing! Telling him to go to the doctors won't mean he'll actually do that. :frown:

In tht case I honestly think you shoudl contact social services ( or the british equivalent , Im not used to teh british system). Seriously your friend has a problem he will not manage to sort out by himself. He needs help, and he needs it soon.
Reply 15
In tht case I honestly think you shoudl contact social services ( or the british equivalent , Im not used to teh british system). Seriously your friend has a problem he will not manage to sort out by himself. He needs help, and he needs it soon.

He has a social worker. But she gives him money which he just goes out and spends on drink and drugs. So she doesn't really help matters (although i think its more the fact that he dogs school that she visits him for).
Reply 16
He has a social worker. But she gives him money which he just goes out and spends on drink and drugs. So she doesn't really help matters (although i think its more the fact that he dogs school that she visits him for).

Do you have means of contacting her? Its quite possibel that she doesn't know.
Reply 17
Do you have means of contacting her? Its quite possibel that she doesn't know.

Nope. :frown: I really don't have any contact with anyone he knows apart from other mates but they're just as bad as him so talking to them wouldn't help. When i tell him how much i worry about him he just tells me not to, that he's fine and that he doesn't see how i can care so much. He actually told me that these "voices" told him to do thing such as kill his step-dad:dong: All i could think of to say to him at the time was "Don't listen to them!" And he said he won't but how can you trust that. :frown:
Reply 18
Nope. :frown: I really don't have any contact with anyone he knows apart from other mates but they're just as bad as him so talking to them wouldn't help. When i tell him how much i worry about him he just tells me not to, that he's fine and that he doesn't see how i can care so much. He actually told me that these "voices" told him to do thing such as kill his step-dad:dong: All i could think of to say to him at the time was "Don't listen to them!" And he said he won't but how can you trust that. :frown:

Ok first of all your friend has some pretty serious problems and it is not your fault if he does not listen to you. You probably won't be able to help your friend on your own. Is there any nurse or teacher at your school you could talk to ? Maybe even the principle can help you ? If you can't find anywhere else to go I would even considder contacting the police. I know that would be hard seeing that he is your friend, but really it is better than letting him destroy himself like this.
Reply 19
some drugs can trigger schizophrenia

he NEEDS to seek medical help.

Totally agree, drugs can bring on underlying conditions, such as schizophrenia, or bi-polar disorder (moving from mania to depression and back again). He needs to go to the doctor, if he won't try ringing NHS direct yourself and talk to a nurse about it..but ultimately they'd want him to seek medical help himself.