No i dont think i did, well not in the case of the guy im thinking about atm. I did in the past feel attracted to several of my friends once, but that came after getting to know them. They more like crushs and more like falling in love with the idea of dating someone, not necessarly them.
However one did turn out into a relationship, it has to be one of the worse relationships ive ever been apart of. Was really wierd to be doing things with a friend, he wanted to stay friends but have the fruits of the relationship at the same time. I didnt feel comfy about it, but i did like him it was a battle i like this guy but hes a good mate, mates shouldnt be doing this and that. Well im not friends with him now, he did the dirty accross me and told loads of lies, throughout the length of our friendship which didnt make sense til right at the end. I had support from mine and his best mate(who is also male), i think our friend felt he had been taken a ride too about the lies and lost respect in the friend i had dated.